Lodge Survey: Please complete!

The club is doing some research into usage of the club lodge at Whakapapa. We want people involved with the WTMC to complete a survey we are conducting. We’re interested in your views whether you have used the lodge or not… if you have used the lodge we need to find out what you think … Read more

FMC Expedition Scholarships: Apply now

Applications for FMC expedition scholarships are open now and close on the 15th September. We know you are an adventurous lot, so we’d like to encourage WTMC members to apply. For the first time FMC is able to offer Expedition Scholarships to adventurers of all ages, so whether you are a family, adult or veteran … Read more

Update on WTMC Trap Line: The Statistics So Far

We thought you might like a quick update on the WTMC trap line. The trap line is based at Upper Makaroro in the Ruahines and encloses a river valley that is home to Whio (Blue Duck). Members of the WTMC visit the trap line around once every month to empty the traps of predators and … Read more

The 2017 NZ Tramping Calendar

When, in less than the blink of a cosmic eyeball from now, I am sitting in my wheelchair in my geriatric old-age, breathless, bald, wrinkled, pot-bellied,  threadbare rug draped over my bony, aching knees, dribbling down my plastic bib and muttering dark imprecations to myself about the Youth of Today, my young nieces and nephews … Read more

Everest Play at Circa Theatre

It’s late notice I know, but I thought some WTMC-ers might be interested in this play on at the Circa Theatre this week: Everest Untold. It runs right through till Saturday, so it’s a perfect alternative activity if you are not lucky enough to be signed up to go to the Ruahines or Tongariro with the … Read more

SAR award success for club member

Congratulations to Mika Verheul and her SAR colleagues from Nelson. Their amazing search and successful rescue of 2 tourists has been recognised with a SAR gold award. Mika and Hans continue to give their time to support others to be part of the wonderful experience of tramping. Full details of the award can be found … Read more

Need something to inspire you this wet weekend? Chase a shadow.

Did you know that the WTMC’s purpose is to encourage and facilitate walking, climbing, mountaineering, and skiing (see our constitution)? With the ski season approaching perhaps you need some inspiration for the latter activity? Warren Miller’s 66th feature film Chasing Shadows is showing on Friday and Sunday at the Penthouse in Brooklyn. The film will … Read more