Taranaki, A Loop Walk

A late arrival to the north Egmont visitor centre saw us setting up a free camp in the car park area. …nice and easy, although a tad busy in the early hours as all the summit climbers arrived in the dark. It was a clear and mild night, 3 of us under the club fly … Read more

Rimutaka Cycle Trail

We met at the Wellington Railway Station and caught the 7:05 am train to Upper Hutt. It was our first experience of the new rail carriages – very smart indeed. We discovered that cyclists have priority over passengers for up 3 bikes per car utilising dedicated fold back seating. Arriving at 8:00 am we set … Read more

Patuna Chasm

Patuna Chasn overhanging walls

Patuna Chasm A wonderful short day walk down the spectacular Patuna Chasm with an optional swim at the end. On a grey Wellington Saturday, we jumped in our cars and headed through the Rimutakas to Patuna Chasm. We were all excited about the walk, some because it had been on their to-do list for quite … Read more

U Pass – New Year’s Adventures

U Pass

U Pass – Fiordland National Park National Park A 2 day hike crossing from Mistake Creek to Hut Creek via U Pass in Fiordland National Park After hunkering down at Homer Hut waiting for a break in the weather we finally got a window of a couple of days and decided to head out to … Read more

Mid-Waiohine in a Mid-summer’s Frost

It had been a beautiful week of weather. Of course the forecast for this, the following week is also primo! However, in-between, we would be tramping in horizontal rain with a southerly bringing a wind chill and a not-so-balmy minus 5 degrees. Most of us had what we needed and other put a little more … Read more

Upper Whirinaki Hut Whirinaki FP – River Road

My hopes of Wellington being the sort of city that can be escaped in matter of minutes in favour of the great outdoors were dashed as we discovered the state highway choc-a-bloc with others making the same assumption. Spirits stayed high though for the long drive north. Our initial delays meant we couldn’t get as … Read more

A Bonnie Wee Walk Abune Matthew’s Brae

What you need to ken… There was a Scotsman, an English Lass and a Kiwi – probably the only time in history that a Burn’s supper celebration has had such a composition! For those of you who are not familiar with the traditions of Burn’s celebrations, I’ll give you a rundown. The 25th January is … Read more

A ramble in the Ruahines to Maropea Forks

Thanks to Paul and the 5 other punters, for a great trip into the Ruahine tops…a first for most of us. It was a delayed start from the Railway station due to a spill on the motorway, leaving after 6 instead of after 5…with great relief we made good time after having dinner before we … Read more

Jumbo-Holdsworth and Hooper Loop – Local Trail Running

Hooper-Loop – An experiment in trail running by Emily Sharron and Sarah’s mountain-running adventures were giving me a severe case of FOMO (fear-of-missing-out) so I decided to give it a go myself. I signed up and started doing a bit of training, mostly running around the Wellington city tracks like the Southern Walkway and Skyline … Read more

Moss Pass

Like the best laid plans of mice and men going astray, the bad weather predicted for Nelson Lakes National Park meant that our proposed Mole Tops tenting trip had to be altered.  The new trip would be the Moss Pass route going via Sabine and over into the D’Urville. Day One – Sabine Hut to Blue … Read more