Stats Junkies Corner – August 2009

If you’re one of the wonderful people who’s organised a club trip over the last few years, you may have noticed that someone often nags you afterwards to find out how it went. This is all part of the statistics process, and it’s one of the ways our club’s valiant leaders keep an eye on … Read more

Newsletter – August 2009

The Mouth’n’Ear is now also published on the club’s website – IN FULL COLOUR! If you would prefer to receive email notification when the newsletter and other club publications are put on the website, instead of receiving printed copies in the mail, send an email to . The views expressed in the articles in this … Read more

From the Green Crocs – August 2009

Well the weather is definitely getting warmer, and spring is just around the corner! The spring trip schedule will reach you with this newsletter, there are some really great trips on offer, so I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the great NZ outdoors with WT&MC. Thanks to all the people who … Read more

Topographical Turpitude – August 2009

Greetings All Tips for Leaders can be found on Promoting Make sure the trip sheet is on the trip noticeboard – check with the Chief Guide or Assistant Chief Guide if it is not. Make an announcement about your trip to get others to sign up at Wednesday night Club meetings. Restrict your trip to … Read more

FMC News – July 2009

FMC Bulletin Survey The Federation is planning to contact all clubs and individual members to seek suggestions on how our flagship publication, under the expert editorship of Shaun Barnett, could be further improved. For example: What additional features would you like to see? Have you any ideas about improved format, or even a name change? … Read more

Vosseler – Penn Creek Hut

It’s winter, the Tararuas lie waiting to be visited, the WTMC trip list indicates several tramps for the weekend but the rain gods might have something up their sleeve. In fact, one of the club’s best known rain gods earlier declined an offer to lead the trip because of the lousy forecast. Thinking back after … Read more

Transport – July 2009

The club is still wishing to attract more volunteers to help with driving the club vans on weekend trips.  We currently have just 32 people out of a club membership of almost 400 adults approved to drive the vans. We would like to get this number to at least 50 as soon as possible.  This … Read more

Club First Aid Kits – Recent Changes

You may have noticed that the club first aid kits now look different. The lunch boxes have been changed over to soft packs. This makes them a little easier to pack in your pack. Sorry that they aren’t any lighter, but also they aren’t any heavier. They also aren’t waterproof (neither were the lunchboxes), so if … Read more

Newsletter – July 2009

From this issue, the Mouth’n’Ear will also be published on the club’s website.  If you would prefer to receive email notification when the newsletter and other club publications are put on the website, instead of receiving printed copies in the mail, send an email to . The views expressed in the articles in this newsletter … Read more

From the Green Crocs – July 2009

Salaam, I am back from my Moroccan sojourn, thanks for Sue and Marie for holding the presidential reins while I was away. I have got used to the cold temperatures again, but a few weeks away in the Northern Hemisphere summer makes me hope that spring is not too far away for us. Above is … Read more