Another enjoyable Kepler Great Walk – Fiordland National Park

Getting to Te Anau Our flight arrived at Queenstown Airport at 12.20pm. We took a local bus into Queenstown, using a Bee Card for the group, to get lower bus fares (you can buy a Bee Card at Paper Plus at the Airport, but the card must then be registered online to get discounted fares). … Read more

Tarn Ridge Hut Loop – Tararua Forest Park

The forecast was for a weekend of light winds and sun as we left Welly Railway Station at 4pm Friday. Following a dinner stop in Masterton, it was a further 15 minute drive to The Pines carpark on Upper Waingawa Road. Arriving at 6 pm, the waning crescent moon provided no light as we followed … Read more

Punga Hut and North Managaho Biv – Tararua Forest Park

The six of us met at Wellington Train Station at 7.30 am, with the intention of bagging a few huts that weekend: Te Whare o Moturimu, Punga Hut, and North Mangahao Biv. I had come to the area less than a year before with the same plan, but had yet to bag the Biv. On … Read more

Modified Pouakai Circuit (aka Mangorei Road to Bells Falls return) – Mt Egmont National Park

Summary: Friday 12 April: Saturday 13 April: Sunday 14 April:

Mt Taranaki Summit (Khyber Pass route) – Egmont National Park

This trip required strength and experience. What some members of the group lacked in experience, they made up for in strength and will. We were met with weather challenges, difficult terrain and chilling cold that could have ripped your pants right off your legs, but the group persevered through it all on route to the … Read more

A four seasons Easter around Mount Ruapehu – Round the Mountain Track: Tongariro National Park

Summary:  Thursday 28 March:   Friday 28 March (Day 1): 19.36 km  Highlights: Walking times:  Saturday 29 March (Day 2) – 19.43km  Highlights: Walking times: Sunday 30 March (Day 3) – 22.72km  Highlights:  Walking times:  Monday 1 April (Day 4) – 29.86 kms   Highlights:  Walking times:

Tararua Northern Crossing

Day 1: Friday What started as a planned group adventure, turned into a spontaneous duo escapade when a last-minute COVID-related cancellation left just the two of us to tackle the Tararua Northern Crossing. Undeterred, we met at the train station as planned at 5pm, ready to hit the road. We made a quick pit stop … Read more

Exploring Kaikoura and Mt Fyffe – Seaward Kaikoura Range

A relaxing weekend with great views of Kaikoura. The trip began with us all (along with the medium group) meeting at the Wellington Railway station at 2.30pm to catch a 4pm ferry to the South Island. After arriving in Picton, we drove down to Kaikoura to our Top 10 Holiday accommodation for the night. This … Read more

Angelus Hut – Nelson Lakes National Park

The six of us met at the train station at 2.20pm, where Lisa kindly had the van ready and waiting for us. We drove onto the Interislander for a 4pm sailing, arriving in Picton shortly after 7pm. We then drove down to St Arnaud, arriving at West Bay campsite just after 9pm, ready to pitch … Read more

Mt Fyffe – Hapuku Hut loop – Seaward Kaikoura Range

Day 1 Our group gathered at the Railway Station at 2.30pm and, along with Jane’s group, jumped in the club van to catch a 4pm ferry to Picton. The sailing was smooth and pleasant. We drove south from Picton, with lovely views of valleys as the sun set, until we arrived at the Kaikoura Top … Read more