2014 WTMC Club Photo competition

The Club photo competition is coming up again and there are two dates to mark in your calendar: March 19th – final deadline for entries April 2nd – the club night when the entries are shown and winners announced. There are still a few weeks to take some award winning photos. Winning and runner-up photos get entry into … Read more

Over a Cuppa – Jan 2014

Happy 2014! I hope everyone is feeling refreshed after their Christmas breaks and just itching to tell us all about them!  I am slowly getting speakers confirmed for this year and would love to hear from you.  In the meantime we have the following presentations coming up: 5 Feb: Gear night only as we have … Read more

Edwards-Hawdon Tramp – Wellington Anniversary Weekend

Now I’ve been in New Zealand for 9 months, I thought it was about time for my second overnight tramp with the club. For a Brit, looking at the summer schedule in January was a little confusing, but the Edwards-Hawdon trip looked like a good one; good potential for great views and nice timing for … Read more

A Tararuas weekend with a deep swift river and a terribly windy ridge

The idea Following the thrill and tranquillity of water-focussed South Island tramps at Christmas, I was keen for aquatic adventures closer to home. Spencer floated the appealing idea of a weekend pack float along the Waiohine river from Mid-Waiohine hut to Totara Flats. It sounded fun and challenging. The planning Meticulous research and preparation happened … Read more

Washpool Hut – The road of the dead is well worth the trip

. We left Wellington early, arriving at a sun-streaked Putangirua Pinnacles after a quick 30 minute walk from the road end. These badlands had a starring role as Dimholt Road in Lord of the Rings, the road to the land of the dead. Heading up the ridge from the pinnacles, we quickly realised that this … Read more

Westland: Served in many different ways

If they served tramping trips in restaurants, then this trip might have been called the Westland tasting menu. The group convened in Hokitika on boxing day. Some had had an entrée in the Arthur’s Pass area, others dived straight into the main course. After more than a little debate about the best location for weather … Read more

Arthur’s Pass trip report – Christmas 2013

I’m not quite sure where to start. The idea to do the 3 passes at Christmas emerged, I think, from Ian’s head sometime in September. From there it spread, multiplied, mutated, entered the Cloud, and finally was brought down to earth again at 6.15pm at the Railway Station the Friday before Christmas, after an epic … Read more