A week at Tasman Saddle

What’s better than going up a mountain without having to walk to its foot? Yes correct – going up lots of mountains without horizontal walking. And that was basically the entire plan for this trip.     We flew down to Christchurch on a Saturday morning, hopped into a rental car and drove down to Ashburton to … Read more

Mt Footstool (2767m)

  “Footstool? You really wanna climb a mountain with such a name?” – that was pretty much the reply I got from my boss when asking for a day off late October. I usually don’t care too much about mountain names, but I had to admit that it is a weird name, probably originating from … Read more

Weather Windows

The wind had subsided in downtown Wellington and the sun was making an attempt to peek through the clouds. ‘Maybe this bad run of weather is finally on the way out,’ we optimistically hoped as we made a plan B C and D due to yet another poor weather forecast. Plan A had been ruled … Read more

Angelus Eventually!

After the trip was postponed, rescheduled and the ferry was delayed, we squeezed into the hire car and arrived at Nelson Lakes camping area very late on Thursday night. The morning dawned bright and clear with a few sandflies finding my legs tasty. After breakfast we met up with John, a mate of Tony’s from … Read more

Paua Hut on Guy Fawkes’ Weekend

This was my first tramp with the club and arriving at the railway station on Saturday morning, I was not exactly sure what I was getting myself into. Was I in for an easy walk through the bush or something a little more challenging? The answer was a little bit of both. As people showed … Read more

The Great WTMC Bake-off

At the club social night on 23 October we had the First Annual Great WTMC Bake-Off where punters presented their best baked tramping snack for taste-testing. All this fun was to help highlight the launch of the second edition of the WTMC Cookbook – now online and including the award winning recipes from the bake-off. … Read more

Over a Cuppa – November 2013

Our Wednesday night events and presentations are going well and attendance numbers are good. I’m so pleased this is happening. Our speakers for the rest of the year: 30 October – Pete Gent takes us on his recent trip to Svalbard – wrap up warm for this presentation 6 November – Adventures in Scotland on … Read more

Cone to Tutuwai

The sun shone strong on our transit as we wound along the highway north oh Featherston. The unseasonably warm and almost cloudless sky illuminated the countryside’s early spring greens. So marvelously distracting was the prospect of a golden weekend, that navigator couldn’t be blamed for the missing the first turn off, but perhaps he should … Read more

The WTMC & MeetUp Join-Up to Trains Hut

 Editor’s note: WTMC has been testing out a new way of signing-up for trips via the website MeetUp.com and partnering with the Wellington Tramping Group MeetUp. The following trip report is from a joint trip. I think this was the first tramping trip with a mix of well the Meet up the Wellington Tramping Group … Read more

Schormann – Kaitoke Traverse in a weekend

Editor’s note: Since 1997 some keen WTMC members led by Lindsay Cuthbertson have been publishing a little know guide called “Accounts of week-end, two-day and 24-hour Schormann – Kaitoke (or Putara-Kaitoke) traverses of the Tararuas, North Island, New Zealand, via the Main Range, Tarn Ridge, the rivers and in reverse!” I’ll be looking to update … Read more