Gillespie Pass: How to Get a Date With a Circus of Kea

Mt Awful rises above bush-filled valleys

Tramping Gillespie Pass has been on my radar for a while and when Pete mentioned that he was planning to tramp it over Waitangi weekend I was keen – with a stroke of good luck I had the time off work already and managed to book flights last minute that didn’t cost an arm and … Read more

Tennyson Inlet Kayak

Tennyson Inlet kayaking as the sun sets

What a fantastic way to spend Easter! A very memorable experience kayaking the Marlborough Sounds indeed. What made this trip so special? Everything that could go right, went right. If anything didn’t go to plan then it effortlessly became an adjusted plan. An early start to the long weekend on Thursday with an anticipated ferry … Read more

Searching for a Needle in a Haystack – Matiri Range to 1,000 acre plateau

Camping by a tarn on the 1000 Acre Plateau

The Matiri Range and 1000 Acre Plateau Searching for a Needle in a Haystack A 5 day tramp from the Wangapeka River, along the Matiri Range to the 1,000 Acre Plateau and the Matiri River. Tony assured me that I would be able to find The Needle in The Haystack easily. Well, he wasn’t wrong but … Read more

St Arnaud and The Camel – and the rusty summit tin

The contents of the summit tin on The Camel showing the scraps of paper recording previous ascents

St Arnaud and The Camel –and the rusty summit tin A 4 day hiking loop trip through the spectacular mountain scenery of the St Arnaud Range passing over the summit of a peak called The Camel, and finding the rusty summit tin. Route to The Camel How long have you tramped for? I have tramped for … Read more

Irongate Hut (via Tunupō)

Irongate Hut in the Ruahine Forest Park

The Ruahine Ranges pulled out all the stops for this tramp, with varied terrain, the opportunity to use the gear for every weather in our packs, breathtaking views, and sounds of the rare Whio and rushing water. Taking the long way round via Tunupō loop we were well rewarded for our 8 hour tramping effort, … Read more

Taranaki surfing

Taranaki surfing

I was so happy when I saw there was a surf trip on the WTMC’s online schedule. I love tramping, but how cool is it to get to do other activities with your tramping friends!As there was no leader yet, Werner and I signed up to lead the trip. The sheet already had Opunake as base … Read more

Mitre Flats and Mitre Flats Hut – and floating the Waingawa River

Floating down the Waingawa River from Mitre Flats to the road

Mitre Flats and Mitre Flats Hut – and floating the Waingawa River On a fine warm day it’s so much more fun just floating down the river than walking down the track to get from Mitre Flats to the road. What better way to spend a fine weather Sunday than an easy WTMC day walk … Read more

Mount Taranaki Summit

View from top of Mt Taranaki

We’ve regrouped at the top of a 300m long stretch of steep scoria on the way down the north ridge of Mount Taranaki. The sun blazes from a cloudless sky, there’s no wind and it’s hot – a heat haze shimmers off the dusty slope. Having climbed over 1500m today our legs are tired and … Read more

Ruapehu Summit and Tama Lakes

Mt Ruapehu

At 7.45 am seven bright-eyed and eager trampers stepped out of the WTMC Ruapehu Lodge and set off up Mt Ruapehu. It was a great day for a climb—blue skies with barely a breath of wind. It didn’t take long before we left the road and stepped our way across shingle and large rocks, tinged with … Read more

Blue Range Hut – Navigating old and new technology

Tararua Ranges

Blue Range Hut is the perfect spot for newbie trampers to test their fitness and learn some navigation skills. Who knew that tramping-fit is totally different to walking-fit? Or that ending up slightly off track from your planned route, does not mean you are lost? Or that lightly salted mango and biscuits are considered gourmet? … Read more