Whanganui River – Te Awa Tupua

Whanganui River

On a nice sunny Thursday evening in mid-November we drove up to Ohakune feeling very excited to be having yet another long week-end—and with no need to carry any heavy packs! I was eager to get back on the river (which now has its own legal status) after a break in my annual pilgrimage, but … Read more

Old Ghost Road

INTRODUCTION This adventure strangely and quite accidentally ended up being a joint venture, with two WTMC members and two Tararua Tramping Club members. I’m not sure if there is a history of rivalry between the clubs, but I would like to at least try to start some rivalry here by pointing out that the WTMC … Read more

Battling the wind and the blue item thieves at Top Maropea Hut

We set off from the railway station on Friday afternoon together with the Easy group and drove the 4.5hrs to the trailhead (I highly recommend our kebab stop at Istanbul in Carterton along the way). The road to the trail head has probably seen better days, so the last few kilometres were a bit bumpy … Read more

Ruapehu Summits from the Lodge

INTRODUCTION The purpose of running the trip as an Alp1 “PLUS” was to give experienced Alp1-level members a chance to try something with a bit more exposure, and maybe needing the occasional rope to make crossing certain features safer. This proved to be a very popular proposal, and despite this being a Fit trip I … Read more

Te Heuheu

Te Heuheu

We left for the Te Heuheu ALP 1 trip at 5.30 pm Fri 1st Sept. Tony is a stickler for time I was told (lucky I am a teacher and I only work 9 to 3 pm—haha) so I made it in time! There were 10 of us in the group and the van headed out from … Read more

Intermediate Bushcraft

As the next step in my transformation from city slicker to baby bear grylls, I signed up to the Intermediate Bushcraft course run by Kevin, Richard, Matt, Emily and Bram on the weekend of 11-13 August 2017. I had high hopes for this course. Until that time, GPS devices were just cumbersome old-school mobile phones … Read more

More Parks Peak Trapping

After a long drive on Friday and the usual kebab stop in Carterton, we parked at the Road End around 11pm. Within half an hour, four of us were enjoying a bunk in Sentry Box Hut, and the three others had their ground sheets and mats laid out on the floor. We also managed to … Read more

Remarkables Ice/Mixed Festival and Single Cone Climb

The tip of my left pick tentatively balances on the smallest of burrs in the rock. I wriggle it around, and angle the axe up to make sure that it doesn’t pop off as I haul up. I’m on a top rope, but that doesn’t provide much comfort when you are 6 metres up a … Read more

Neill Forks via Makaka Spur

We set of from Waiohine Gorge road end on Friday night for Cone hut. Our original plan was to navigate to Jak Flats biv North of Mid-Waiohine hut but the heavy rain and wind forecast for Sunday wasn’t conducive to tops travel so we reshuffled it to Neill Forks via some navigation up from the … Read more

A Frozen Footslog to Dundas Hut

Tramping to Dundas Hut with a medium/fit group for my first WTMC trip isn’t the best decision I’ve made in my life. I thought I was fit from running around hilly Wellington but the muddy, tree-root covered, relentless steep climbs and descents of the Tararuas made me feel like I’d never exercised in my life. … Read more