Richmond Range Traverse – Nelson to St Arnaud.

Richmond Range Traverse – Nelson to St Arnaud “Am I going the right way to St Arnaud?”   I am suddenly alarmed as I look around to hear where this voice is coming from and find a Te Araroa (TA) walker who I had last seen many hours ago speeding away from Porters Hut … Now he … Read more

White lights and bright snow: Old Man Hut Circuit

Friday night, the ferry arrived early in Picton, which we quickly found out doesn’t show movies on long weekend evenings (due to lack of demand!). Next morning, the E-M group we were sharing the van with kindly agreed to being on the road by 7.30am. Nearing the Richmond Ranges, we saw the rewards of the … Read more

Lake Chalice

Lake Chalice

This looked like a cruisy easy medium trip – just what I needed when getting over COVID. Then, less than 24 hours before departure, an email from the trip leader arrived ‘due to an unexpected circumstance I may be unable to go on the trip . . . I was wondering whether either of you … Read more

Rocks Hut

The original plan of visiting Tableland Circuit in Kahurangi National Park didn’t eventuate because of a challenging road up to Flora Car park that was made worse by a heavy rain fall on the Thursday. But the team worked together to identify exciting alternatives that would leave the group with long positive memories of their … Read more

Pelorus Track – Mt Richmond Forest Park

Pelorus River without clothes

“You will never get there – it’s a really long way.” Hmmm. This warning was delivered by a man pushing a bike along the Pelorus Track. I wasn’t sure how seriously I should take it given he was pushing a bike along a tramping track but decided to thank him for his advice and continue … Read more

Richmond Range (a primer)

Richmond Range

We weren’t supposed to be in the Mount Richmond Forest Park – that was Plan C. But the weather had already put paid to Plans A and B. So as we were driving up Staircase Road to the Lake Chalice carpark and a pine tree fell in slow motion across the road immediately in front … Read more

Mt Starveall instead of Mt Patriarch

This trip was planned as a Medium trip to Mt Patriarch in Kahurangi NP…. but the week leading up to Queen’s Birthday weekend had rather a lot of rain so there was no way we were getting across the ford on the Wangapeka River Road. (The advice we had said not to even try crossing … Read more

Mount Richmond Tripping

We had a good group of people keen to get into the Richmond Range and do some reconnoitring over the long Wellington Anniversary weekend. Having recently come out of a mission to Carkeek Hut (and beyond) I was still a bit sore but keen to get into this great part of the south island, having … Read more

Lake Chalice

This club easy tramp was made very special because of both the pretty place we went to, and also because everyone on the trip got on so well together. There was never a harsh word, and all those little camping jobs were done as if by magic. Lake Chalice is a delightful place. We arrived … Read more

Mid Goulter (very steep)

“Hmm, maybe my hatchback wouldn’t make it here after all,” I finally admitted, at about a quarter to midnight.  Whilst it’s a ‘gravel road’ on the map, the road to Lake Chalice is a lot more like a goat track than a road.  It’s narrow, steep, winding and rough.  For once I was grateful to … Read more