Arthurs Pass

“Arthur’s Pass. Arthur’s Pass. This is Goat Pass Hut, Goat Pass Hut” “Go ahead Goat Pass Hut” “Arthur’s Pass, we were wondering if we could get an up to date weather forecast for tomorrow?” (Sounding slightly irritated that anybody would be foolish enough to go into the outdoors based on yesterday’s forecast) “It’s much the … Read more


It had been a while since I’d headed into the hills, and my feet were getting restless.  The Tauherenikau Valley is the primary reason that I’d joined WTMC after unintentionally spending two nights in the open, without a fly or sleeping bag, in horrendous conditions (including snow), several years earlier. It was time to face … Read more

New Storage Location for Club Minivans

From 1st May 2011 the 2 club minivans are now being stored at the Inter Islander Terminal. They are being stored outdoors in the terminal car park so should be easily spotted when being collected by designated drivers somewhere along the wire fence by the rail tracks. You are free to drive your own car … Read more

Murmurings from the Kitchen – May 2011

Well it’s hard to believe that Easter has gone for another year! But no problem, the next long weekend to look forward to will be Queens Birthday which isn’t very far away (6th June). In the meantime fill those winter evenings with a visit to club on a Wednesday evening. It’s a great chance to … Read more

Scrawls from the Editor – May 2011

One of the first things I did upon arriving in Wellington in May 2005 was join the Wellington Tramping club. Through the club not only have I seen some of the most spectacular places in New Zealand, and in doing so have dramatically increased my fitness, but I have also met some of my best … Read more

Scrawls from the Editor

This is the last issue of the Mouth’n’Ear edited by me. I took over the position of Newsletter Editor from Alison Stevenson in October 2005. Alison, who took over from LeeAnn Newton, had a short run of 6 months. In my first issue (October 2005), Barbara Keenan had written about a visit to the Karori … Read more

Transport Report

With winter fast approaching we will soon be getting some use out of the snow chains that sit in both of the club vans. So you don’t spend 2 hours trying to fit these on a Friday night in the cold and dark road-side the club is running another Minivan Famil session kindly led by … Read more

From the Green Crocs (April 2011)

The Annual General Meeting is on this coming Wednesday, April 6th, and at that meeting we will elect a new committee. I want to pay tribute to the people who are standing down from committee; Michael Lightbourne, who has produced the Newsletter for almost 6 years, Jenny Beaumont, our Membership Officer for the last 2 … Read more

Bushcraft Course at Paua Hut

The Coast Road heading south from Wainuiomata provides a picture of New Zealand ruralness so idyllic, it feels a bit like you’ve driven onto a huge scenic calendar. The road winds through a landscape of ideally green paddocks, wooden water troughs and tumbledown sheds. Cabbage trees appear with regular randomness, as if part of a … Read more