Maps for tramping

One of the most important pieces of kit we carry when heading into the hills is a map – especially for those heading far away from marked tracks. LINZ provides the data for the maps we use – and are lost (literally) without. So have a read of the info from them – we cannot … Read more

Lake Waikaremoana

INTRODUCTION This tramp was over the Easter four-day weekend, and the huts were booked out so we decided to camp each night. As such, we had big and heavy bags with the tents and food we needed, and so I tried to organise the trip to have easier days to suit the Easy-Medium (EM) listing. … Read more

Mitre Flats and summit

  INTRODUCTION This was listed as an Easy-Medium (EM) tramp, so we decided to begin on Saturday morning, rather than Friday night, because there is nowhere to camp at The Pines road-end. Some people also highlighted that they were not experienced trampers, and so I didn’t want to risk a long night-walk to the hut. … Read more

Luna Loop

Ok, change of plans I thought.  Dragon’s Teeth is out of the question, a 11 hour round trip not counting the ferry, no way. But what else is there? Preferably in the Mt Owen area of Kahurangi? Looking at the topo I thought, well you could go from virtually the same place, up and over … Read more

Hauhungatahi – the accessible wilderness

Hauhungatahi Wilderness Area map

Hauhungatahi – the accessible wilderness A hike through the Hauhungtahi Wikderness Area (Remote Experience Zone) in Tongariro National Park New Zealand has 14 National Parks (counting Te Urewera) that cover over three million hectares, or about 11 percent of our land area. Together with numerous conservation parks, including forest parks, we are fortunate to have … Read more

Rainbow Valley Easter 2015

A eager team of 10 set off on the 6:30 pm sailing on calm waters to Picton. A quick getaway in the van saw us at our DOC Kowhai Point campsite for the first night’s sleep. After breakfast under clear skies we set off on the 4-wheel drive gravel road to the start of our … Read more

Howletts Hut

Looking at the weather report on a daily basis I felt we would have at least one good day – and that would be the day we would go across the tops. We camped at the road end which made it easy for setting off the next morning and we could take our time tramping. … Read more

Junior Bushcraft Course

Back in February when the sun was warm, sky blue and rain was but a distant memory (unlike more recent weather), the family group ran its first junior Bushcraft course. Based on the club’s main bushcraft course it aimed to allow older kids to learn some basic skills of the outdoors. Ten kids aged between … Read more

Cow Creek Hut via Table Ridge

Day 1 – The Pines to Mitre Flats Hut Our trip began on Friday evening at The Pines, Wairarapa. The advertised trip had been to do the Northern Crossing starting at the Poads Road End, near Levin and ending at The Pines. However, 90 kmh forecast winds on the Saturday evening and Sunday morning meant … Read more

Track talk – April 2015

When Megan Sety sent an email asking for a Chief Guide volunteer it really got me in the gut, as the Club has had a huge impact on my life – so I said I would do it, if no one else did. Therefore you guys are stuck with me for at least a year. … Read more