The Enchanted Island

Mud. Sandflies. Howling southerlies. Freezing cold. Don’t even think about going for a swim. That’s what I had heard about Stewart Island. Well, maybe it was El Niño (or is that La Niña?) or maybe it was just serendipitous good fortune, but whatever the reason, it wasn’t like that at all. The mud wasn’t too … Read more

Three Peaks – Commercial Style!

Have you ever wanted to do one of those commercial-style tramps, where your gear is ferried forward for you each day so you only have to carry a day pack, and you get to stay in luxury private lodges overnight? Well, we had a taste of what it would be like early in February when … Read more

A Wander to Washpool Hut

It was a civilized time to start a tramping trip, I decided: 8.30 on Saturday morning at the railway station (and rolling on towards 9.00 before the last of the punters turned up), rather than the usual 7.00 o’clock start on Friday night. Being the leader of the only trip going away for the weekend … Read more

The Heaphy Revisited

I seem to do the Heaphy Track once every 25 years. The last time was in 1973 (don’t ask me about the time before that if you value your life!); the most recent time was earlier this year at Waitangi weekend when Austin, Andy Sweet, Suzi Penny and I took an extra day off and … Read more

Slothing out at Ivory Lake

We peered down into the clag. Below us, the slope seemed to disappear into an abyss of hideous bluffs and gullies. Above us, the steep snow slopes and rocky bluffs soared upwards, disappearing out of sight into the thick, enveloping clag. Which way should we head? If we continued upwards, would we reach our goal, … Read more

Metaphorically Speaking

When it is the middle of the night and you are lying in your sleeping bag in a tent and it is cold and drizzly outside and you hear someone get up for a pee and then you realise they aren’t peeing, they’re lighting a primus because they don’t realise it is still the middle … Read more

Boxing Day Bog Boys

The mission was to install the new dunny at Maungahuka. And Gerard was excited! He’d been waiting for a “window” of fine weather and at last he had it! He rang Roger excitedly: Gerard:The weather’s looking good. Real settled. There are four suns! Roger: Four what? Gerard: Four suns! On TV there was a sun … Read more

A Walk in the Park – a 48 hour S-K

The weekend was fun!?! Friday evening – we left the car at Kiwi Ranch and caught the Club transport up to the Putara roadend. We started walking at 9.42 pm so we had to be out by 9.42 pm on Sunday evening to do the 48-hour S-K! We arrived at Herepai Hut at 11.16 pm … Read more

There’s No Limit to where a Pair of Jandals Will Get You

“Take your fishing rod! You’ll regret it if you don’t.” We were headed off to the us of A for a holiday and in between planning on how many hundred miles a day we would drive and the quality of the barbecue, I had mentioned that Montana was famous for its fishing. I knew this … Read more

Mt Arrowsmith: Snow, Slots, Slabs, Slips and Stock Bridges

Mt Arrowsmith was the challenge.  All 2,781 metres of her on the Main Divide west of Ashburton.  Steve Reeves pulled out on the eleventh hour due to straining his back at Rock ‘n’ Roll dance classes.  The group was now down to eight with Joe Fraser (leader), Tony Reeves, Charlie Batho, Andrew Downes, Simon Wakeman, … Read more