Mitre Peak

The EM and MF groups arrived at the Pines Road-end on Friday at 830pm and walked in to Mitre Flats Hut. The track was OK but there was lots of fallen trees which made the going a bit slower. We got to the hut at 11:30pm and tried to get a sleeping spot as quietly … Read more

Harnessing the wind on the way to Dorset Ridge

On the Friday night at 5.30pm, six of us set off in the club van making our way slowly but surely to the Pines to start our walk and making a quick dinner pit stop in Carterton. We arrived at the start of our walk after 8pm and started walking to Mitre Flats hut at … Read more

Solo Adventurer – to Mid-King Biv and Beyond

This is the soggy tail of an overnighter-turned day trip. The plan: Donnelly Flats, Pinnacle Ridge, Baldy, South and Middle Kings, Mid King Biv, South Mitre Stream, the Pines and over the ridge to Holdsworth Lodge. The weather is glum for a 7.25am kick off. I’ve picked a handy looking spur below the first marked … Read more

Tarn Ridge Hut

Day 1 – Kiriwhakapapa Road end to Blue Range Hut The walk started off at sunset at the Kiriwhakapapa Road campground in the Central Tararua ranges. We arrived after stopping at the usual kebab shop in Carterton, which I believe the club must be getting kick-backs from judging by the amount of business we send … Read more

Mitre Flats Hut navigation

Route to Mitre Flats Hut

Mitre Flats Hut navigation A hiking trip into Mitre Flats Hut via Blue Range without any tracks and using magnetic compass and map for navigation Ten WTMC members set off on Saturday 3 December with compass and maps to do an EM navigation trip to Mitre Flats Hut via Blue Range. It was such a … Read more

Mitre Flats Hut

  The tramp began at 8.35 pm on Friday evening at the end of Mt Holdsworth Road, reached via Carterton. Although we set out for Atiwhakatu Hut when it was still light, it quickly turned dark while we were walking and we had to get the head torches out. The gravel track is in good … Read more

5-bar Tararua tramping

Chamberlain Creek in the Tararua Range

5-bar Tararua tramping A light-hearted ranking of tramping trips in the Tararua Range based on internet reception. Some people, particularly trampers, rejoice when heading into our wilderness while others have a fearful attitude towards these areas that they believe should be completely avoided—for they are places that they consider are hideous, desolate and uncomfortable—where people … Read more

Mitre Flats Hut

On 12 December six intrepid explorers, led by Frances, set off from the Welly Railway Station at 8 am on Saturday for the northern stretch of the Tararuas to do the ‘easy’ graded Mitre Flats walk.  The rest of the group was Jane, Julia, David, John and Antonia.  After a brief but essential stop for … Read more

Mitre Flats and summit

  INTRODUCTION This was listed as an Easy-Medium (EM) tramp, so we decided to begin on Saturday morning, rather than Friday night, because there is nowhere to camp at The Pines road-end. Some people also highlighted that they were not experienced trampers, and so I didn’t want to risk a long night-walk to the hut. … Read more