Panatewaewae – Tararua Forest Park

I wanted to lead this trip because there was a big empty space on the Tararua Forest Park map on my dining room wall, where I haven’t yet stepped foot. It was going to be a navigation challenge with few marked tracks in the area. Four keen beans signed up. I like to reflect on … Read more

Pizzas, High Ridge and a Wild Pig – Tararua Forest Park

Friday (Road end to Powell Hut – 2h 45min) As we hopped into the van with the EM group on Friday, the vision for the trip was clear: there would be pizzas. How we would justify it as a club trip and what the tramping would actually involve was not as clear, however… The trip … Read more

Blue Range Hut – Navigating old and new technology

Tararua Ranges

Blue Range Hut is the perfect spot for newbie trampers to test their fitness and learn some navigation skills. Who knew that tramping-fit is totally different to walking-fit? Or that ending up slightly off track from your planned route, does not mean you are lost? Or that lightly salted mango and biscuits are considered gourmet? … Read more

A classic northern with a twist (Tararua Ranges)

Overlooking a ridge while standing at Bannister

The plan: a two day traverse via an interesting looking spur from Bannister to the Ruamahanga.  4.30am Saturday – the cell phone buzzes. Mike has dragged himself out of bed and is heading my way. It’s pleasant to have company for the trip to Poads Road and good to be walking by 7am under lights. … Read more

Off track with the goblins in East Holdsworth

Trampers in the goblin forest, East Holdsworth

If you go off track in the Tararuas, beware of the enchanting goblin forests. The morning started with my favourite way to start a tramp, taking photos of amazing mushrooms before crossing a nice swing bridge. About an hour in we met a couple of veteran club members coming out of the bush to get … Read more

More Mick-ey mouse business in the Tararua

After my previous adventures up the “Mick”, you would have thought I could safely leave this area of the Tararua alone. Not so. Apparently I love getting lost in this Bermuda Triangle of bush. However, I am not on my own in this. Every now and then on the eastern slopes of the Mick, you … Read more

Finding North Mangahao Bivvy

North Mangahao Bivvy’s claim to fame is being the most northern official hut in Tararua Forest Park. As a part-time hut bagger, I needed to tick this one off the list. However, rather than coming from the eastern side which requires permission to cross private land, I decided to challenge myself navigationally (and in other … Read more

Mick-ey Mouse Business in the Tararuas

Somewhere on the western side of the Tararuas, between the more popular spots around Otaki Forks and Poads Road end, is a selection of old meandering forestry tracks that go nowhere in particular. One of these, for reasons unknown to the author, is called the Mick Track. The Mick Track offers up the standard Tararua … Read more

(Aorangi Crossing) Turanganui River Return

The team assembled at Platform 9 ready for our drive over to the Pinnacles campsite. As this was my first tramp with the club I was a little confused by the selection of meeting place as I was under the impression we were driving and not catching a train. I thought it could have been … Read more

Mitre Flats Navigation (AKA not getting to Mitre Flats but not getting lost)

I signed up for this tramp in order to brush-up on my navigational skills and also to travel over Pinnacle Ridge between the Atiwhakatu valley and Barton track. However, soon after signing-up I found myself organising and leading this trip with the expectation that I would be instructing on navigation! On the Friday evening we … Read more