Totara Flats from Mangatarere Road End

The trip started with an early Saturday morning meet at Wellington train station. It was a grey morning and a bit drizzly but with half the group on their inaugural WTMC trip (Ravi, Phoebe and I) and Lettie on debut as trip leader, nothing could dampen our spirits. We set off with the Sayers Hut … Read more

Te Puia Lodge: a beginners guide to leading tramps

The Te Puia Lodge is an Easy-ish tramp located in the Kaweka Ranges. It was my first tramp as a team leader, and it was a pain in the ass, literally, but I will get to that later on. This guide is structured as follows. Chapter 1 describes the first day and our long drive … Read more

Big Day Out: Jumbo-Holdsworth in pictures

Group times (approximately): 8:00am Holdsworth Carpark – 9:00am slip – 9:50am Atiwhakatu Hut – 12:00pm Jumbo Hut – 3:00pm Powell Hut – 6.00pm Holdsworth Carpark.

Winter Womble to Tararua Tops

All photos taken by Tony S. Tony’s Tarn Ridge trip appealed to me for two reasons. The first being the physical challenge. The trip had an “MF” label that would usually have sent me screaming in the other direction. However, over the past few weeks I had done a number of long day trips and … Read more

Manakau ~ Uwerau Traverse (well, some of it anyway)

This time last year, almost to the day, I stood on the summit of Mt Tapuae-o-Uenuku, and one of the few prominent sights staring back was the peak of one of its tallest partners Mt Manakau, the highest point in the Seaward Kaikouras. I resolved that next year I’d try to tackle it on the … Read more

Pouakai Circuit

We drove up to Taranaki on Friday night with the standard stop at Bulls. The journey took around 5.5 hours in total with the weather steadily deteriorating as we got closer. We stayed at The Camphouse on Friday night, arriving about 22:30 hours. It’s just above the the North Egmont DOC Visitor Centre. As well … Read more

Canoeing, Floating and Portage Down the Rangitikei River

Meeting at the train station was the first challenge of the weekend for the newer members, trying to locate which bus we were on, with 3 buses all heading the same direction. We were the first bus away and after the usual chats, intros and Friday traffic before Pukerua Bay and Otaki we arrived for … Read more

Summiting Ruapimple – Ruapehu’s baby brother

Summiting Ruapimple – Ruapehu’s baby brother An easy climb to the summit of Pukeonake the lowest named volcanic peak in Tongariro National Park Two van loads of happy WTMC trampers reached our lodge close to midnight. Everything was completely fogged in. Luckily the green lights up at XXC gave a good hint where to stop … Read more

Mick-ey Mouse Business in the Tararuas

Somewhere on the western side of the Tararuas, between the more popular spots around Otaki Forks and Poads Road end, is a selection of old meandering forestry tracks that go nowhere in particular. One of these, for reasons unknown to the author, is called the Mick Track. The Mick Track offers up the standard Tararua … Read more