Check out the latest news and trips reports below or view the archives using the menu on the left. If you want to know more about the newsletter including submitting stories, see Newsletter>Publication Details. To learn more about the club, check the top menu. Some links will take you to the old website, but content will eventually move to this site.

Teaching girl guides snowcraft

On the 6-8th July, Jenny Beaumont and Steve Austin took a club van up to Ruapehu – along with 10 girl guides/rangers from the Wellington region and 3 guide leaders. We stayed at the Scout lodge (just along the track from the WTMC lodge) and taught the girls basic snowcraft skills – walking in snow, … Read more

Transport Update – August 2012

Would you like your very own set of keys for both the club vans, allowing you 24/7 access to the clubs sexiest assets? If you can help the Transport Officer just once a month with cleaning the vans then you will be given your own set of van keys. The job entails driving the vans … Read more

Lodge Update – August 2012

A few years ago the Lyall Bay surf club building was burnt down because surf boards were cutting through wiring over a period of time. In the club lodge, all the wiring to the ski room and alarm wiring goes through the loft. Skis were often stored in the loft. With the wiring exposed in … Read more

Social Corner – August 2012

More interesting talks to come this month: a variety of club trips as well as a talk by Geoff Key on his campaign for a marine reserve in the Ross Sea. Please keep an eye on the website ( for details and dates of talks. Please also think about coming to talk to us about your own adventures. … Read more

Membership – August 2012

All senior, veteran, couple, veteran couple and life members should have received their FMC card with the bulletin in the post last month. This month we welcome 5 new members. • Philip Dunlop, Kareen Schnabel and Oleg Vlasov as senior members. • Kaleb Smith and Alayne Wright as couple members. Please send any membership queries … Read more

Track Talk – August 2012

It’s been a beautiful weekend in Wellington. And judging by the view out the bedroom window, a beautiful weekend in the Tararuas as well. While appreciating the view, I feel that rueful opportunity cost of being at home rather than in the mountains; being sick and being on call not withstanding. The last few times … Read more

The Nature of Things – August 2012

Tena koutou fellow trampers. Big thanks to the Committee and the rest of the WTMC team for ensuring the Club ran smoothly while I was overseas. Actually it sounds like it may have run even better without me around. Perhaps I should go away more often. Special thanks also to Katy Glenie who has taken … Read more

Nature of Things – July 2012

Congratulations to Ian and Spencer whose photos received recognition in the 2012 FMC photo competition. Spencer’s photo taken near the WTMC Mountain House shelter in the Tararuas was the overall winning shot from the 224 entries! Keep those cameras snapping in preparedness for next club competition planned for early 2013. A big thank you to … Read more

Track Talk – July 2012

As I write this in front of the fire on a Sunday morning (late again!), I’m thinking of Allen and Sue’s crew off in the Orongorongos. A cold night in Karori would have been even colder in the hills. But two weeks ago at North Ohau Hut, we were far from cold despite the ice … Read more

Membership Update – July 2012

This month we welcome the Lewis family: Vivienne as Senior member, John as Associate member and Benjamin as Junior member. In addition, we welcome 2 senior members: Andrew Buchan and Rebecca Hayter. If you have any questions about membership please find me at the club on a Wednesday night or contact me on: