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When you’re still glowing from the trip of a lifetime in South Westland just a few days ago you don’t really need to go tramping. But if Ann is away and the Tararuas are fine and Nigel calls from mid Waiohine and says he and Graham are going up to Aokaparangi you might just have … Read more

Our trip to Paua Hut

We went to Paua Hut on the 28th of December. It took two hours to walk through the beautiful bush to the Hut. We had to cross the river. Our shoes and socks got wet and the current pushed us but we loved it. There was no power, but there was gas to cook with … Read more

Cape Reinga to Bluff the Long Way – Part 3, “But what about all these hills?”

Back to Part 2 We made it to Bluff! One bright, sunny April morning – just when cycling was for us, becoming a daily routine and the mind was used to drifting off in its own direction – Alice stopped ahead and I snapped into reality. There it was – a signpost informing us of … Read more

Cape Reinga to Bluff the long way – Part 2, Sidetracked around the East Cape

Back to Part 1 A rest in Tauranga allowed us to reflect on our Coromandel Peninsula adventures. Excellent memories of relaxing beaches and coves, deserted gravel roads, humungous hills, spectacular views, art galleries, cafés and hot bread shops, swims and siestas. A phone call to Harry in Wellington and he was inspired with all this … Read more

Cape Reinga to Bluff the long way – Part 1, Reinga to Auckland

A rest day! Yes, at last, a proper rest day – all  day to be spent in the tent reading, sleeping  and listening to the pitter patter of sandflies headbanging the fly. Oh – and maybe a chance to write that article I promised Claire for the newsletter. Where to begin? Our big cycle trip … Read more

Ascent of Tapuae-o-Uenuku

An AIC behind many of us, the dry climate of the Kaikouras drew 9 people in search of one of NZ’s highest but easier to climb peaks, Mt Tapeau-O-Uenuku.  The ‘Tappy’ trip is becoming a regular club event, taking a Friday off work and setting forth to tackle the legendary Hodder River before putting the … Read more

Advanced cycle touring – the Riversdale ride

Some may call it a degeneration of standards, but others may refer to it an effective use of resources – the promise of some poor weather was overshadowed by the generosity of some club members and some effective planning.  Harry Smith, Jerry Gabriel, Peter Wills, Gerard Galvin, Bruce Sommerville and I headed for a cycle … Read more

The Enchanted Island

Mud. Sandflies. Howling southerlies. Freezing cold. Don’t even think about going for a swim. That’s what I had heard about Stewart Island. Well, maybe it was El Niño (or is that La Niña?) or maybe it was just serendipitous good fortune, but whatever the reason, it wasn’t like that at all. The mud wasn’t too … Read more

Three Peaks – Commercial Style!

Have you ever wanted to do one of those commercial-style tramps, where your gear is ferried forward for you each day so you only have to carry a day pack, and you get to stay in luxury private lodges overnight? Well, we had a taste of what it would be like early in February when … Read more

A Wander to Washpool Hut

It was a civilized time to start a tramping trip, I decided: 8.30 on Saturday morning at the railway station (and rolling on towards 9.00 before the last of the punters turned up), rather than the usual 7.00 o’clock start on Friday night. Being the leader of the only trip going away for the weekend … Read more