Nature of Things – January 2015

I hope you’ve had a good holiday break filled with tramping or other adventures. Certainly the weather in the Tararuas has looked amazing the past week or two! We’ve got some interesting-looking trips on the schedule in February, March and April so it’s a good time to be making good on that resolution to tramp … Read more

Track Talk – January 2015

Happy New Year! I hope you had some good tramping over the holidays. The weather certainly was pretty useful. New Chief Guide & Assistant Chief Guide At the end of March and after a couple of years in the job both Debbie and I will be stepping down from our club roles. We will still … Read more

Over a Cuppa – January 2015

Welcome to 2015!  I’m pleased to say that there is a super range of presentations lined up for you: This coming Wednesday we have Shaun Barnett and Chris Maclean talking about their book “Tramping, A New Zealand History.” This is bound to be a fantastic presentation so come along. 11th Feb is our new trampers night. The … Read more

11 Feb is New Trampers Night

The next WTMC New Trampers Night is 11 Feb – at the usual time (from 7:30pm) and the usual place (Tararua Hall, Moncrieff St, Mt Vic). We need you to come along – it doesn’t matter if you are new to the club, if you have only been with us a short while, or if you are … Read more

Lodge Social Weekend – Pick a Trip!

Feeling lonely? Resolved to get out more this year? Looking to meet some new people to go tramping with? ……You need the ‘lodge social weekend’! We’ll be heading up to the club lodge at Whakapapa on the 6th-8th March. There will be a number of Saturday and Sunday activities running over the weekend and you will be able to sign … Read more

In memory of Frances Gazley

The Club has sent condolences to Dennis Gazley, Michael and Scott on the loss of Frances after a period of illness. Frances had a great love for wilderness places and especially our native bird life. She volunteered at Zealandia since the early days and was involved in other conservation projects. Friends will remember her in … Read more

Mountain House Shelter Working Party

Despite the protestations of a certain long haired club member, oft quoted as saying “I’ve retired”, the Mountain House Hut was demolished by a Club work party ca. 2001.  In its place, a pragmatic structure now stands known as Mountain House Shelter.  This shelter was built off-site by club members under the close supervision of Gerard Galvin, before … Read more

Sawtooth Ridge Trip

Up the hill we went in the dark – not an inky dark, lit by a huge oculus-moon highlighting the jagged terrain amid fragmenting cloud. Not a breath of wind and a landscape bathed in ivory light made for a glorious hour up to Longview Hut for the night. Jessie’s headlamp threatened to add to … Read more

A South Ohau Womble‏

An endless summer holiday period  about to come to a close. Warmth and a lack of precipitation forecast. The remaining question was where to take a full van of EM punters. Our trip was originally scheduled for Waitaewaewae, but Sarah, Rachel, Dan & I had tramped that route recently due to route adjustment when trips sharing … Read more