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Taihape-Fernhill Cycle / Kuripapango Day Walk / Magatutu Hot Pools Mohaka Tubing Adventure

Friday 3rd February Fish and chips, pizza and Subway at Paraparaumu gave the group a foundation of reserves for the start of the long Waitangi day Weekend on Friday eve. We reached Mangaweka international airport around 9pm in time to check in for a flight to la la land, pitching our tents at the departure … Read more

South Ohau Hut

A few weeks ago, in the process of hut bagging, I did one of my mind-shattering solo “well, that was exciting, how can we make it less so?” trips.  This is not that story.   This story is how, after having done that full-on trip recently, I was MORE than happy to sign up for … Read more

Alice Nash Heritage Lodge – Tunupo – Iron Gate Hut – Heritage Lodge

Ten of us left platform 9 soon after 5:30pm. We dined at Levin where the vast array of takeaway options were fully taken advantage of with all trampers conjuring up different kai, much to the envy of myself having purchased a couple of stale buns from countdown. Light rain on and off on the journey … Read more

Waiopehu via Ohauiti

We departed for Levin with the best possible weather forecast: a dying southerly with a sunny weekend on the cards. Having beaten the worst of the traffic, we made most of the approximate 50 minute Friday night walk into the old Ohau Hut site without the need of a torch where we bivvied among the … Read more

Transport – March 2012

The club would like to remind all drivers that important changes are taking place to the road rules from 5am on 25th March 2012. These changes will affect all drivers, riders, pedestrians and cyclists. Make sure you know the new rules so you’ll know what to do.   There are two give-way rules that will … Read more

Social Convenor – March 2012

We have some interesting talks lined up to keep you entertained on a Wednesday night so don’t forget to come along to club nights to hear the talks/see the slideshows and join us for a catch-up over tea and biscuits even if you’re not heading out into the hills! The deadline for entries for the … Read more

Promotions – March 2012

The annual new members night was held on 22 Feb and was a great success with around 60 new people turning up, a large number of which signed on for trips or the Bushcraft course. I’d really like to thank all the members who came on the night and did all the work.  It was awesome to see such … Read more

Membership – March 2012

New & Re-joining members This month we welcome 6 new members and 5 former members re-joining the club.   New members: Graeme Corin (senior) Maren Luehrs (senior) Kelvin & Melanie Thiele (couple) Ben & Gus Lillico (children).   Members re-joining: Craig McGregor (senior) Christine Thomson (senior) and The Stevenson family – Alison & Paul (couple) … Read more

Track Talk – March 2012

The Wednesday before we left for our 12-day Fiordland epic, Sharron gave a slideshow on her Westland Christmas adventure. It looked hard. She said that there were times every day when she wished she wasn’t there. It was a comment my mind kept returning to as we journeyed through the Murchison Mountains, up the Doon, … Read more

The Nature of Things – March 2012

The committee has been busy putting together the annual report for the 2011 financial year. I know what you’re thinking – “that sounds incredibly dull, bit of a faux pas her mentioning that when she’s looking for people to join the committee!” Actually it has been surprisingly interesting looking back at what happened in terms … Read more