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Whanganui River Trip

For the 4th year in a row for some! we looked forward to another great Whanganui river canoe adventure ☺ All the essentials were lined up… Good company, food…even weather! We love this place… with its stunning scenery and nice out of the way location. The trip in Summary This is an epic trip suitable for relative … Read more

Track Talk – July 2010

With Amanda Wells, Chief Guide It’s already time to start thinking about the Spring schedule, which runs from September to the end of January. This time, we’re going to do the planning slightly differently. At the moment, we’re looking for ideas of road ends. You don’t have to specify the trip(s), just a road end … Read more

Social Corner – July 2010

Kia Ora Winter is upon us and it’s good to see all the faces on a Wednesday night despite the inclement weather at times. To help us with the winter blues we are holding a ball this year so mark it in your Diaries now as it will be a night not to miss! This … Read more

From the Green Crocs – July 2010

In my last column, I mentioned the committee planning day on May 29th, we had a productive morning discussing strategic issues that affect the club. One thing that we decided was that there was not enough visibility around what committee does, so we are taking steps to address that. Committee minutes will be available on … Read more

Track Talk – May/June 2010

In March I did a Mountain Safety Council river-crossing course, where we threw ourselves into some Hutt River rapids and attempted to exit using a combination of pack floating and limb thrashing. It was one of those courses where your confidence is strengthened through knowing that you’re already doing basically the right things. Rivers are … Read more

Where the Bloody Hell Are You?

Navigation tips from Marie Henderson Aunty Rata (who knows I get lost more regularly than most) asked if I had any tips to share  on navigation. Although the newsletter is not the place to learn a practical skill like navigation and there are lots of great written resources already that people can read, here are … Read more