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The Fight for Survival: Volunteering with the Takahē Recovery Programme

April 2023 Ka tū te moho, kia ora ake anō. The takahē stands, in order to live again. Suddenly a royal blue head pops up in front of me while I’m walking along checking a trapline. I stop and stand still, so I don’t startle the pair of noisy takahē that have just wandered out … Read more

D’Urville Valley – Nelson Lakes National Park

Day 1: D’Urville Hut to George Lyon Hut – Weather: Sunny, no wind, 16 degrees CDOC travel time: 8 hrs/ Group travel time: 9.45 hrs /Pace: Slow – medium After arriving at Lake Rotoroa campsite at about 10pm Thursday night, we slept fitfully amid the roar of stags from the local deer farm. Prior to … Read more

From the President – April 2023

Kia ora, This article provides a brief update on club activities, including: WTMC April recap: Committee, trips and lodge updates Intentions for the year to come Coming up in May If you have any questions, comments or ideas please get in touch. Ngā mihi Anne de Luxmore hut and a dusting of snow on … Read more

Pouakai Circuit – Egmont National Park

As is the tradition, we met at Wellington train station at 5pm, for a 5.15pm departure to Egmont National Park. We arrived at the Camphouse, our accommodation for the night, which is situated close to the Egmont National Park Visitor Centre (North Egmont)/ DOC office, at around 10.30pm. The Camphouse is located right beside the … Read more

Tongariro Northern Circuit – Tongariro National Park

Not a great walk, but an epic one! You know you are up for an incredible weekend when you have a smooth drive out from Wellington, enjoy a primo kebab a la Bulls (OMG those chips and Iskenders), and instantly connect with a bunch of awesome people from the get-go! This weekend was no exception. … Read more

Waipakihi Hut – Kaimanawa Forest Park: the mists of Ireland

Disclaimer: This trip report was written by ChatGPT. Trip start date – 17 March 2023: I can’t think of a better way of reconnecting with my deep and treasured Irish roots on St Patrick’s Day than a dry, teetotalling WTMC club tramp along the famously brown volcanic Central Plateau. I do not speak of hiking … Read more

President’s Column – March 2023

The Club continues to be very active with a wide range of activities taking place.  One weekend during March, for example, we had five trips taking place (two tramps based from the Lodge on Mt Ruapehu, a navigational exercise, a day trip and a tramp to Mitre Flats).  During March we also had a tramp … Read more

Southern Crossing – Tararua Forest Park (from Otaki Forks)

Friday 10 February The Southern Crossing in the Tararuas has been on my to-do list for the last few years and when I saw it on the trip schedule for February, I did not hesitate to sign up for the walk. The plan was to have two groups of trampers do the Southern Crossing, with … Read more

WTMC Annual General Meeting (5 April 2023)

WTMC Annual General Meeting Wednesday 5 April 2023, 7:30-8:30pm Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for Wednesday 5 April 2023, 7:30pm. The AGM will be held both in-person at the clubrooms (4 Moncrieff Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington) and remotely via “Google Meet”. This notice covers provision of the Annual Report and Financial Statements, nominations … Read more

Slimy slug but no steel ladder: Field Hut, Renata Hut – Tararua Forest Park

While it was not the trip we had planned originally, our 50km+ Ōtaki Forks circuit tramp had a little bit of everything: views, blue skies, slugs and slips. Our intention had been to stay at Maungahuka Hut on Saturday evening. Maungahuka is known as a difficult hut to reach. It involves climbing a steel ladder, … Read more