Kiwi Saddle – Macintosh Hut

We started out on Labour weekend with a basic plan of staying a couple of nights around Studholme Saddle Hut, and possibly heading further up the main Kaweka Range during that time. Things didn’t work out that way. For the first time in a long time, at least as far as I can remember, we … Read more

Papatahi Crossing

What’s the definition of a M/F-tramp? According to some, it doesn’t even exist as it would be either M or F, and anything in between is just smoke and mirrors. This trip was optimistically scheduled to be a M-trip, but over the weekend the idea developed that it actually should be rated a M/F tramp. … Read more

Social Corner – December 2010

Kia Ora Well it’s another year coming to an end…yes its hard to believe Christmas is only a few weeks away. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people that have helped make Wednesday nights interesting and exciting. Covering subjects as diverse as ornithology and geophysics, and places such as Ethiopia, … Read more

Notes from the Basement

Could trip leaders note that there is not an unlimited supply of small flys to hand out for trips. If you have a big group, please request big flies. I know we all like to save weight in our packs but it’s a limited supply! If it’s a busy week, eg before a long weekend … Read more

From the Green Crocs – December 2010

This month, you are getting a bumper package from the club, the December newsletter, the Annual Journal, the Summer Trip Schedule, and the latest FMC bulletin. Plenty of reading material for the summer break! This is the second journal that Tony Gazley and Jackie Foster have produced for the club, and I know you will … Read more

The hard way to Waiopehu Hut

It promised to be a wonderful weekend in the sunny tararuas. And for once they were actually meant to be sunny! We set off Saturday after a week of rain from the railway station. On the way up I noticed the higher than usual flow in the rivers when we crossed the bridges… it occurred … Read more

E/M/F Trip to Atiwhakatu and Jumbo

One of the easy aspects of this E/M tramp was the Friday evening to sort out your stuff and fill your pack, although a little voice in the back of my head kept telling me we had to get up reasonable early on Saturday. Indeed the alarm went off shortly after 6AM, allowing us to … Read more

Mt Rolleston – Arthurs Pass

Accompanied by a light westerly and drizzle we pulled our packs out of the car, switched on our head torches and headed up the Coral track. This could be a short, steep, sticky night time jaunt to the bush line and back if the wind doesn’t abate we joked, philosophical about our chances. Unlike previous … Read more