Taranaki surfing

Taranaki surfing

I was so happy when I saw there was a surf trip on the WTMC’s online schedule. I love tramping, but how cool is it to get to do other activities with your tramping friends!As there was no leader yet, Werner and I signed up to lead the trip. The sheet already had Opunake as base … Read more

Mount Taranaki Summit

View from top of Mt Taranaki

We’ve regrouped at the top of a 300m long stretch of steep scoria on the way down the north ridge of Mount Taranaki. The sun blazes from a cloudless sky, there’s no wind and it’s hot – a heat haze shimmers off the dusty slope. Having climbed over 1500m today our legs are tired and … Read more

Ruapehu Summit and Tama Lakes

Mt Ruapehu

At 7.45 am seven bright-eyed and eager trampers stepped out of the WTMC Ruapehu Lodge and set off up Mt Ruapehu. It was a great day for a climb—blue skies with barely a breath of wind. It didn’t take long before we left the road and stepped our way across shingle and large rocks, tinged with … Read more

Blue Range Hut – Navigating old and new technology

Tararua Ranges

Blue Range Hut is the perfect spot for newbie trampers to test their fitness and learn some navigation skills. Who knew that tramping-fit is totally different to walking-fit? Or that ending up slightly off track from your planned route, does not mean you are lost? Or that lightly salted mango and biscuits are considered gourmet? … Read more

Te Matawai Hut


On the Saturday morning at 7.30 am six still half-asleep but excited punters met at the train station and set off in the van making our way slowly to the Poads Road end to start our walk. The beauty about leaving at an early time on a Saturday morning is that there is no traffic … Read more

Carkeek Ridge (and Carkeek Hut)

Descending Carkeek Ridge in the Tararua Range

I have been determinedly Tararua hut-bagging for a couple of years now, having realised I’d haphazardly visited about three quarters of them. Carkeek Hut is one of the most difficult to get to being right in the middle of the range with no DoC-maintained tracks to it. I was waiting for a good weather weekend … Read more

Manawatu Gorge Trail

Manawatu Gorge Trail

This was essentially a day trip cleverly disguised as a weekend trip, leaving Friday night and returning later than expected Sunday arvo, yet only tramping during the day on Saturday. As such we had nearly as many adventures off the trail as on! Most of us were belatedly “getting back into it” post lockdown. I … Read more

The First Mahu Whenua Turk Traverse Tramp

Turk Traverse map

The Mahu Whenua covenants were established by Robert Lange of Soho Property Limited in partnership with Queen Elizabeth II National Trust in September 2015 to ensure the protection of around 53,000 hectares of iconic New Zealand high country between Queenstown and Wanaka (1). Approximately 70% of the 60km Mahu Whenua Turk Traverse is on Coronet … Read more

Red Hills Ridge

Red Hills Ridge Mt Richmond Forest Park

Red Hills Ridge – Richmond Range A 4 day loop trip hiking through spectacular mountain scenery along the Red Hills Ridge in the Mt Richmond Forest Park. It had been two years since my first experience of the Richmond Ranges, my first overnight WTMC trip, a medium grade where I bit off more than I … Read more

Faerie Queene – climbing a peak near Lewis Pass

Faerie Queen title

As many WTMC holiday weekend trips do, this trip started with the Interislander ferry to Picton and a drive to a DoC campsite. This time Kawatiri just beyond St Arnaud and handily situated right next to the both SH6 and SH63 (handy for access that is, less handy for sound sleeping). Queueing for the loo … Read more