Bushcraft Weekend for New Joiners

Saturday morning all participants gathered at Wellington Station where Richard picked us up with one of the club vans. After the drive to Catchpool carpark we met up with the other trip leaders, Kevin and Pete. We started with some practice using our compass and other navigational skills taught by Kevin, analysis and interpretation of … Read more

Taranaki East Ridge – and the Sharks Tooth

Climbing the East Ridge of Mt Taranaki

Taranaki East Ridge – and the Sharks Tooth A WTMC trip to Mt Taranaki and a climb of the East Ridge to the Sharks Tooth and the summit. “You know you have to come back right?” Tony said to me as we were driving back to Wellington in December.  “You did the the right thing, … Read more

WTMC AGM 13 April 2016

The most exciting reading all year has just arrived to your inbox – the Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club 2016 Annual Report!   Read more about our record membership numbers, our trapping work to protect the whio, and peruse some of our favourite member photos.    2016 AGM If you have any questions or suggestions, come along … Read more

Mitre Flats Hut

  The tramp began at 8.35 pm on Friday evening at the end of Mt Holdsworth Road, reached via Carterton. Although we set out for Atiwhakatu Hut when it was still light, it quickly turned dark while we were walking and we had to get the head torches out. The gravel track is in good … Read more

Over a Cuppa – February 2016

WTMC Social nights are in full swing with a range of members talking about trips around New Zealand, along with a wide range of guest speakers. Don’t forget you can always check the club’s website for the latest club night schedule (and often see what’s scheduled months in advance!). 17 Feb 2016 Jamie Stewart from … Read more

The Climb of Torayoc (1968 WTMC Andean Expedition)

From the 21st anniversary WTMC Journal, “Impressions of a Tramping Club”. It took two weeks of interminable wrangling, four customs agents and dozens of rubber stamps and signatures to clear the two tons of expedition gear and food through customs in Lima – a very depressing time. Ken and I had stayed in Lima for … Read more

Rangiwahia Hut

The tramp to Rangiwahia Hut on the Saturday took us 2 hours with quite a few stops. The return trip on Sunday was quicker at 1½ hours and fewer stops. We walked about 4.4 kms each way, and climbed approximately 500 meters to reach the hut at 1,327 metres above sea level. The route This … Read more