Flora and Fauna Trip

Have you ever been tramping with a leader who carries a textbook and binoculars in their pack? Illona Keenan is one such leader. She led Andrei, Caryl, Claire, David, Erika, Kerry, Mark and Rachel up the Mangatainoka River and over a ridge into the Ruamahanga on an overnight fauna and flora extravaganza to Roaring Stag … Read more

Another tale of stoat trapping in the Ruahines!

It’s great that the WTMC is looking after a Ruahine trap line to help protect blue duck from predators, and a visit had long been on my to-do list. I’m currently attempting to get fit for summer trips so I ambitiously signed up for Amanda’s Medium-Fit option. I emailed Amanda: “err…. I’m a wee bit … Read more

Over a Cuppa – November 2015

Remember, club now starts 30 minutes earlier with doors opening at 7pm and club talks starting at 7:30pm. There are just two nights left before the club rooms close for gear only and eventually for tramping holidays. 2 Dec 2015 – Henry Fisher & Frances Boyson – So you want to climb? Why you should … Read more

Out Damn Stoat! A tale of stoat trapping in the Ruahines

Are you a ‘peak bagger’ a ‘hut ticker offer’? Do you love going out into the bush to satisfy your personal desire to experience our beautiful natural heritage? Let’s face it; unless you are leading a trip helping others, tramping is done for our own selfish reasons of personal enjoyment and experience. And there is … Read more

Why you should rock climb Part 1

There is a misconception that the mountaineering group in the club is hard core and tough. Hopefully once I have finished this article that misconception will be cleared up. If this does not do the trick then Frances and Henry’s talk on the 2nd December should sort it out once and for all. We didn’t meet … Read more

The Tararuas January to December

The 2016 Tararua Calendar – a trip through the Tararuas from January to December By Harry Smith When you are an unemployed layabout, living on boiled rice and scavenged apple cores and reusing teabags six or seven times over, you will accept any freebie you can get your hands on. So when Tony Gazley offered me a free … Read more

Washpool Wanderings

We left Wellington on a sunny Saturday morning and after a caffeine boost in Martinborough arrived at the Putangirua road ready for our adventures. With boots and packs on we set off to find orcs amongst the Putangirua Pinnacles. Possibly it was too sunny for the orcs to be out so we had no success … Read more

WTMC Family tramp to Field Hut

Before you head away on a trip often there are a number of things for the trip leader to sort out. The group gear is divided up, the menu planned and dinner ingredients dished out, transport organised, the emergency contact person informed and the route planned. So when you find out that the road access … Read more

Over a Cuppa – October 2015

Remember, club now starts 30 minutes earlier with doors opening at 7pm and club talks starting at 7:30pm. Before I tell you about all the amazing things we have coming up, I wanted to invite you to join the exclusive WTMC social crew. I’m looking for 10 keen people who can occasionally be at Wednesday … Read more