
First of all here’s the stats from Richard’s GPS: Sat 23 Aug 14 09:55 – 16:30 hrs From Holdsworth Road End to Powell Hut and top excursion. Distance: 11.1km Average Speed: 2.3 km/h Min Elevation 300m Max Elevation: 1425m Height climbed 1500m Height Descended: 630m Sun 24 Aug 14 08:05 – 14:00 hrs Mt Holdsworth … Read more

Rock climbing at Kawakawa Bay

There’s a steadily growing group of rock climbers in the club. Most often you can find us in Fergs or Hangdog trying to keep our skills up, but there’s nothing like being out on real rock. Winter isn’t exactly the best time to be climbing outside, it’s tough going when you’re cold, especially if the rock … Read more

Tukino Alpine & Ice Climbing

With the tantalizing prospect of settled weather arriving after a good dump of snow, it seemed that much of Wellington headed North to play on the mountain. We enjoyed a mesmeric Kapiti sunset and the gastronomic highlights of Bulls before ploughing onto a blustery and very foggy desert road. A midnight briefing at Tukino Alpine Sports Club … Read more

Snowcraft 2014 – Part 1

Ah what luxury! Showers, flushing toilets, running water, electricity and hot water on demand! I speak of course of the opulent WTMC lodge a stones throw away from the Top O the Bruce on Ruapehu.  Compared to huts, even Great Walk huts(!) the lodge presents a sense of civilised creature comforts that are otherwise sacrificed … Read more

Into the abyss

Our trip kicked off to a luxurious start. While we had been planning on staying under a fly on Friday night, weather forecasts of high wind and possible heavy rain led us to take advantage of a well presented backpackers on Ure Road. After soft beds, electric lighting, warm showers and microwaved breakfasts we were … Read more

Triangle Hut via Deadman’s Track

The weather forecast was not looking good for the weekend when I left work on Friday evening. A colleague said “See you on the news” as I left; the train conductor patted me on the shoulder when I mentioned I was going tramping saying “Good luck mate…. I really mean it” and I noticed that … Read more

Over a Cuppa – July 2014

Sue is off gallivanting at the opposite end of the earth in honour of her 31st birthday, so your friendly newsletter editor has stepped in. We have some spots available in September for club talks and I’d like to surprise Sue by having every single spot filled. To bribe reward you for volunteering – anyone who offers … Read more

Odds & Ends – Avalanche Awareness night, Kapiti Volunteering, Mountain Films & Candidate Conservation Discussion – July 2014

Bivouac store hosts Wellington Avalanche Awareness Evening – August 20 @ 7pm  Bivouac is hosting Andrew Hobman from NZ Mountain Safety Council on 20 August to show some short films and discuss techniques on avalanche awareness. Tickets are just $5 and Bivouac will be providing spot prizes and offering discounts on snow gear and clothing on the … Read more

Working hard on Kapiti Island

Read on to hear about the club’s recent volunteer trip to Kapiti island and further down find out about more opportunities to volunteer (and visit)! After an early Saturday morning false start, the boat skipper called me about 2:30pm with the news the weather had calmed down enough to take us across late Saturday afternoon. … Read more

North Ohau Hut

The planned trip had initially been to go into North Ohau Hut via the Mangahao River. However the forecast for the weekend was not so good. So plans were altered to a less weather dependent route for North Ohau Hut via Deception Spur. The contingency if the weather was really terrible was to go up … Read more