Snowcraft 2 – A reply from the Elites

Quick out of the blocks on Friday night at 5.30pmish, Snowcraft 2 set off for our second trip to The Mountain. Due to delays from phaffing, traffic and phaffing, some had to consume their Bulls kebabs on-the-run. The sun-gods seemed to have turned their back on Whakapapa this time, choosing instead to warm the faces … Read more

Jumbo / Powell circuit

I had one of those days where serious lapse in judgment overtook me.  This coming Sunday weather was going to be a stunner.  So, what do I do?  I decide to enquire with Shirley (Queen of the Tararuas) if she’d like to do a day walk on the Sunday.  Left it entirely up to Shirley … Read more

A Great Walk in winter

When we set forth on the Great Walk we hoped our way would be lit by the moon but it was still well below the horizon. Walking by torchlight and in silence it feels like one is in ones own world, thoughts slow down and there are only the night noises to keep you company. … Read more

Rolleston Revisited

In Arthur’s Pass on Friday night we pack ready for an early start. DJ has a cold and has so far refrained from reminding me that he is on an alpine sabbatical. I decide to sleep in the main room at the Alpine Club Lodge so DJ is not disturbed by me checking my watch … Read more

Heaphy MTB revisited

It was with immense satisfaction that the first judder of many peculated through my bones at the start of The Heaphy Great Walk. This was no tramp though, but a long awaited mountain biking adventure. I first rode this track back in 1996 on a fully rigid bike. Then I was new to MTBing. Now, … Read more

Day trip to Colonial Knob

We met in the Rahai Street car park at 10.00. Although the weather forecast was dubious, we had perfect walking temperatures. We began our ascent through the bush track through the Porirua Scenic reserve, really well maintained track that had only the odd bit of litter here and there. We came to a dirt road … Read more

New boots intrepid journey

The instructions were to be at platform 9 by 5.15 for a 5.30 take-off.  Arriving, I find snow chains being fitted.  Don’t they know the snow has gone?  Don’t worry, it is only that Kate wants to see sparks.  OK.  Then out came the map book as there was concern that the Manawatu Gorge was … Read more

Colonial Knob Walk

Towering high above the alpine village of Porirua stands the magnificant peak of Colonial Knob. Okay, while it did look like a mountain during the August snow fall, it’s not THAT tall, and neither did the family group climb it in August. But at 450m, it is an honest climb, with magnificent views over Porirua, … Read more

Kawhatau Base

 The last time it snowed in downtown Wellington I was too young to dress or feed myself. In the intervening years this ability had only slightly improved, yet I had learnt the basic use of an ice axe and crampons. So off we went all tooled up for the slow drive to the Ruahine’s only … Read more

Butterfly Creek day walk

The butterfly creek walk was our first with the Wellington Tramping club. My partner Tim and I wanted to try out a day walk with the club that wasn’t too easy and wasn’t too hard, and was fairly easy to get to. So Butterfly creek was it. When we arrived at the bus stop, it … Read more