WTMC has changed our bank account

From now on, please make sure all your payments (whether for trip fares, membership fees or lodge) go into our new bank account, which is Kiwibank 38-9017-0330533-00 Why are we changing banks? The new bank account offers better processes for those operating the account. What if I accidentally paid into the old account? We will … Read more

Schormann – Kaitoke new record! First woman to run under 24 hours.

The Schormann to Kaitoke (S-K) traverse of the Tararuas has been on the hit list of many trampers since the early 1960s when it was first suggested that it may be possible to do the trip in a weekend. This was finally achieved in October 1963, and was  then followed by many more in subsequent years. Later … Read more

Nick Jennings – Life Member

Nick Jennings’ tramping CV is impressive. The list of roles he’s performed for WTMC, Federated Mountain Clubs, Mountain Safety Council, DOC and its predecessors, and LandSAR, is extensive. Mike Gilbert spent an afternoon talking with Nick about the times and places behind the statistics. How long ago did you start tramping? I started in the … Read more

Flora and Fauna Trip

Have you ever been tramping with a leader who carries a textbook and binoculars in their pack? Illona Keenan is one such leader. She led Andrei, Caryl, Claire, David, Erika, Kerry, Mark and Rachel up the Mangatainoka River and over a ridge into the Ruamahanga on an overnight fauna and flora extravaganza to Roaring Stag … Read more

Subscription Reminder and 2015 Journal

This year the subscription reminder letters are being send as hardcopy with your 2015 Journal and the November FMC bulletin. They should be dropping through your letter box in the next week or so. The 2015 Journal is a real gem with some great stories and beautiful pictures for you to pour over during the Christmas … Read more

Out Damn Stoat! A tale of stoat trapping in the Ruahines

Are you a ‘peak bagger’ a ‘hut ticker offer’? Do you love going out into the bush to satisfy your personal desire to experience our beautiful natural heritage? Let’s face it; unless you are leading a trip helping others, tramping is done for our own selfish reasons of personal enjoyment and experience. And there is … Read more

Pete Goodwin – Life Member

I mentioned to Pete one weekend at Ruapehu Lodge that I was doing some Life Member interviews and he promptly said ‘Right we’d better bloody get on with it then’. So he regaled me with decades of club adventures over coffee surrounded by kids playing and with stunning views of Taranaki out the window. When … Read more

Wellington Conservation Management Strategy

  Recently Illona and I attended a DOC consultation session covering the new Wellington Conservation Management Strategy.  This 10 year strategy covers some important areas that WTMC people regularly tramp in, so it’s great that DOC have involved us in the planning process.   For more information about the Wellington CMS visit DOC’s website   DOC will soon … Read more