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Tutuwai Hut Walk

See more of RIchard’s Photos. A great walk and a great hut! Not without its steep climbs as is to be expected in the Tararuas – but this time we were lucky to dodge the bad weather that has become associated with the ranges. After a cosy van ride on friday night to the Waiohine road end, … Read more

Gettin’ Jiggy with Jamonadez – Waipakihi Hut via Umukarikari Range, Kaimanawas

Author’s note:  Here are boring track details for those that look for this sort of thing first. Overall my impressions are that it’s a relatively wide, well formed track along a scenic range overlooking the volcanic plateau. Approximately 5-7 hours from roadend to the hut via the ridge. Generally quite good track with only a … Read more

Endurance Test at Lake Rotoroa

We woke in the Lake Rotoroa campground to light drizzle and an epic dawn chorus. On the back of crazy weather over Easter the week before, we’d had to ditch our original plan to tramp 1000 Acres and even abandon our backup plan of Flora Saddle due to post-storm road closures. We’d opted instead to … Read more

“It’s all downhill from here…” – A sensible SK trip

Be sure to check out all of Tony G’s photos. Megan had advertised in a newsletter earlier in the year that she would be leading a sensible SK trip over the Easter. Sensible in that it would be done over 4 days and all punters would keep their trousers on for the duration of the … Read more

Bernie’s trip in the Tararuas

For some of the pictures Tony took on the tramp click here. Four friends left Welly Railway Station Friday after work and headed off to the Tararuas. They were to meet Neill, Winchcombe and Hector on the following day—for they had made their own way and were already there. The four bivied on the summit … Read more

We’re not climbing that, are we? A Mt Richmond trip – South Island

At 7am the next morning I was wide awake and started making a little noise figuring we should get on the move relatively soon since we had a long day ahead to Mt Richmond. Poor Katy woke up and enquired as to what I was doing up so early because it was still dark. On … Read more

Tutuwai Hut

This story has been written solely to annoy the newsletter editor who has just issued the April edition and was probably expecting a break before the next one. To make it more irritating the story doesn’t have anything at all interesting to say because it was such a nice trip that nothing of any note … Read more

Nature of Things – April 2014

Having spent April either moving house or travelling for work, tramping has not occupied its usual place in my thoughts. The last time I ventured out was for Bushcraft, which seems like approximately an eternity ago. And I miss it. All of us in this club share a mania for the outdoors, and for New … Read more

Track Talk – April 2014

Help with the cost of Training Courses The committee recently agreed to help members with the cost of training for tramping activities. The club will pay 50% of course fees for a training course which up-skills members of the club. The club expects members to use the knowledge from the course in club activities. The Committee … Read more

Over a Cuppa – April 2014

Now that  Autumn is on our doorstep, it’s a perfect time for you to be thinking about the amazing adventures you’ve had over Summer and the presentation that you can put together to make my day!  It’s easy, a minimum of 10 minutes up to around 40/45 minutes, and if you can twist someone else’s arm to present … Read more