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There’s No Business like Snow Business – The Snowcraft Course Production and the (near) Ascent of Mt Minger

Featuring Assembled Cast Members: Ye Enlightened and Wise Instructors: Sharron Came, Mike Phethean, Marie Henderson Keen Bean Students: Sam Thorndon, Fiona Elliot, Emily Shrosbee, Doug Jones, Adam Threlkeld, Inky Hickey, Nicky Shields, Megan Sety, James Skeggs First of all, if you’ve never done the snowcraft course or been on trips in the snow, I would … Read more

Four Degrees and Gales

If that was the forecast for Auckland what was the rest of the country going to get that weekend? I was in now in Plan B mode and instead of packing a sarong, sunblock and fly swat I was packing a down jacket, over trousers, merino jumpers and extra plastic bags for a four day … Read more

North and East Ridge Taranaki

Some work weeks can be quite nice, some are ok, but this one just had sucked from the very beginning. However, knowing that there are some great outdoorsy activities waiting at the end made the week a lot easier to endure, especially when it is a really scenic destination such as Mt. Egmont. As usual, … Read more

Holly Hut

We headed off for Egmont National Park on Friday night in good weather and good spirits and, after a hefty drive, were lucky enough to catch a view of the mighty Mt Taranaki as we drove past in the dark. After a good rest overnight at the local backpackers, we set off from the North Visitor centre … Read more

Neither Howletts nor Cow Creek…

The original plan for this trip was to go to Howletts Hut in the Ruahines via a Friday night stay at Longview. This would be a great plan for a dry and moonlit Friday night, but that wasn’t the way the weather was shaping up. Instead, the forecast was for strong winds and heavy rain … Read more

Southern Walkway Day Walk

Doing this walk reminded me how lucky we are to live in Wellington. The Southern Walkway between Oriental Bay and Island Bay is an 11 km track through the town belt, across ridge tops and along a short section of coast. It is easy to access and very easy walking (it took us about four … Read more

The Nature of Things – Aug 2013

Big thanks to everyone who came along to our trip planning night on 24 July, it was great to see some new faces as well as the usual suspects whom we count on to come up with great ideas for the trip schedule. It would be fantastic if the rest of you could take a … Read more

Track Talk – Aug 2013

The trip planning meeting was held last Wednesday and I would like to thank all of those who attended and all those who submitted road end ideas. Looking at the draft plan I believe we have some exciting ideas for the next four months. The next stage of the planning is the recruitment of the … Read more

Membership Update – Aug 2013

This month we welcome Rebecca Day & Gareth Gretton joining us as couple members; Tom Fanning and, Alistair Shelton as Senior members and also the Tabor family with Joshua as Senior, Duncan as Junior, Aidan as Associate and Emerson as Child member. Congratulations! If you have any questions about membership of the WTMC please find … Read more

Some interesting presentations coming up

We’ve had an amazing array of presenters for July and there were many highlights, however I think my personal favourite was from Wednesday 24 July when Sue Keall from Victoria University brought out Spike the Tuatara. The looks of excitement, sheer delight and wonder on everyone’s faces was magical to see. You couldn’t tell the … Read more