Check out the latest news and trips reports below or view the archives using the menu on the left. If you want to know more about the newsletter including submitting stories, see Newsletter>Publication Details. To learn more about the club, check the top menu. Some links will take you to the old website, but content will eventually move to this site.

Kai on the Fly – April 2010

with Aunty Rata Ki Ora fellow trampers. I hope you managed to get outdoors to enjoy adventures in our conservation estate over the Easter and school holiday period. The government has finally made public its proposals to open up more conservation estate to mining.  John Key reckons New Zealanders are evenly divided on this issue. … Read more

Track Talk – April 2010

It’s always a challenge starting something new and figuring out how everything fits together. When I started tramping with the club almost exactly five years ago, the last thing I would have imagined was becoming chief guide. Just going along to club nights and heading out into the hills with strangers was challenging enough! But … Read more

Social Corner – April 2010

Kia Ora Winter is looming and looking like it will be a good one for those spectacular trips. We’ve had some very informative and entertaining presentations recently. The AGM went off without a hitch (even though Harry turned up for a short time!) We have more great Presentations to come. This is what is coming … Read more

Lodge Update – April 2010

Enclosed with this month’s newsletter is the Lodge Rates sheet for the 2010 season along with the booking dates for members and non members. You will see that there has been a change in rates from the 2009 season. The over all change for winter is not high although the member adult day rate has … Read more

Membership Report – April 2010

Many thanks to those of you who have renewed your membership for 2010. Those of you yet to pay your subs please do so asap! Your membership’s will expire on the 15th May – so please ensure you have paid up by then. I am currently processing the many payments we have received to ensure … Read more

From the Green Crocs – April 2010

If you have been reading my last few columns, you will know that the club held its Annual General Meeting last Wednesday (April 14th). While the AGM is not everyone’s cup of tea, it is an important opportunity for you, the members, to ask myself and the committee any questions you have about club affairs. … Read more

Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir/Madam I am writing this letter as a warning to other young women in the club. It is based on my actual experiences of a recent trip I did, which overwhelmingly confirmed my initial suspicions that the WTMC has a serious problem with the type of men it attracts. This latest trip was touted … Read more

Punter gets Lift Off in the Ruahines

The Route: Mangakukeke Road End to Purity Hut then on to the tops of Wooden Peg and Iron Peg, across and down the ridge heading south east past Pinnacle Creek to Pourangaki Hut. Sunday was down the Pourangaki River to Kelly Knight but then along the trail back to the Mangakukeke Road End. The Stats: … Read more

Spicy Couscous

Dear Aunty Rata So lovely to see recipes appearing again in our newsletter and that you are being the Aunt Daisy of WTMC for those a little scared of anything culinary. Your attribution of a lovely Moroccan couscous to me was flattering but I have to admit the version is not mine -though a very … Read more