Check out the latest news and trips reports below or view the archives using the menu on the left. If you want to know more about the newsletter including submitting stories, see Newsletter>Publication Details. To learn more about the club, check the top menu. Some links will take you to the old website, but content will eventually move to this site.

Iron Gate Hut

Our drive up on Saturday morning involved lots of discussion about the weather. Were we doing the right thing? Should we maybe go to Rangiwahia instead, avoiding any potentially nasty creek crossings? The severe weather warning was pretty vague as to when exactly to expect the forecast gales and rain. Hmmmm. At Shannon it was … Read more

Cow Saddles and the Garden

Armed with maps, compasses and lollies, we headed into the hills from the carpark at Kiriwhakapapa (Ethnicity; lit. genealogical skin) with the trip leader, Amanda, to show us what’s what. After following the Old Tram Track up to the first saddle, we settled down to our first lesson in navigation. Instructions were laid down for … Read more

Confusion amongst the supplejacks – Waitewaewae Hut

More photos from Sarah & Rachel – Album 1 & Album 2 After several changes to the original trip plan due to the alpine trips been canned and storms dumping a whole heap of snow along the tops of the Tararuas, a tramp to Waitewaewae was eventually decided upon. The group of nine, including team … Read more

Snowcraft 2014 – Part 2

Continued from Snowcraft 2014 Part 1 in last month’s newsletter… On the way up to Whakapapa it got darker and cold. We could see by the side of the road from National Park that a lot more snow fell during the week. On the drive up the Bruce, past the snow chain bay the van … Read more

Nature of Things – August 2014

You can read more later in this newsletter about the changes we’re looking at around membership. Thanks for your feedback on the membership categories – we’ve made some minor tweaks in response. We would also like your views around the requirements to join the club, particularly the two-trips requirement. Feel free to drop me an … Read more

Attracting and Retaining Members – some more changes to trip fees and membership – August 2014

Thanks a lot for your contributions and ideas to the membership categories ideas – those of you that talked to committee members, emailed us, and posted comments.  It was really appreciated and has helped us a great deal to firm up the categories proposal. Membership Categories – thanks for your feedback We received many comments … Read more

Promotions – August 2014

We’ll be holding our next New Members’ Night on Wednesday, 29 October from 7:30pm. We’ve started hosting these nights twice a year to reach out to those who are keen to join the club, or just to get out in the great New Zealand outdoors for the first time. In the past years we’ve seen more then … Read more

Track Talk – August 2014

Volunteering A few weekends ago I was signed up to go and empty some stoat traps in the Ruahines on a trip led by Illona Keenan. Unfortunately there was too much snow on the access road and the trip has now been postponed to September. The trapping of stoats was targeted to an area of … Read more

Over a cuppa – August 2014

Sue returns today from her adventures and while she was away, I’m shocked to report that no one took up my offer of a chocolate bar in return for a club talk. So just in case you missed it, I’ll offer a second chance…sign-up to give a club talk in the month of October and … Read more