For Trip Leaders

Thank you for taking the time to lead a trip for WTMC. The following information should help you plan a great trip. However don’t be afraid to ask for tips from other club members. We’re here to help.  As a WTMC trip leader, you are expected to: Useful guidance documents: – A trip planning template, … Read more

Trip Grades and Types

On this page: Information about grades and types of trips Tramping Trip Grades Grade Terrain Pace Rests Walking hours per day Easy* (E) Tracks Leisurely Frequent 4 – 5 hours Easy-Medium* (EM) Tracks and some routes Steady Regular 5 – 6 hours Medium (M) Tracks and routes Steady Regular 6 – 8 hours Medium-Fit (MF) Tracks … Read more

Help out

We are always looking for people to help out at the club (both on and off the committee) and to help with related causes. There are plenty of non-committee jobs that need to be done to keep the club running. Time commitment ranges from 5 minutes to a few hours a week, either as a … Read more

The Tararuas January to December

The 2016 Tararua Calendar – a trip through the Tararuas from January to December By Harry Smith When you are an unemployed layabout, living on boiled rice and scavenged apple cores and reusing teabags six or seven times over, you will accept any freebie you can get your hands on. So when Tony Gazley offered me a free … Read more

Over a cuppa – July 2015

We’ve got a number of great talks this month featuring places that our members have been, starting with the Tararuas and going over the ditch to Australia: 5 August – Brendan Eckert will take us on a canyoning adventure down Chamberlain Creek in the Tararuas, where abseiling meets tramping. 12 August – Joe Harbridge will … Read more

Chamberlain Creek v3a3VI**

Leaping into Chamberlain Creek, Tararua Range

Chamberlain Creek v3a3VI** A long day down the canyon of Chamberlain Creek, Tararua Range involving jumps, abseils, and swims. I saw the trip on the planning schedule and asked David about it—being generally curious about any Tararua epic close to the wilder side of things. This revealed it was a trip David was really keen … Read more

Haukura Ridge navigation

On a Friday night in May 2006, a band of hardy WTMC M trampers ventured into Northern Tararuas. Three days later they emerged – scratched and broken by leatherwood, attempts at compass navigation in the dark and arguments about oversized watches. Their Haukura Ridge trip was to gain enduring life as a case study in our … Read more