Nature of things – October 2014

Another month and another newsletter column! They seem to come around quickly. Probably partly because Committee is beavering away on a number of things at the moment. This issue we include our formal proposal for changes to membership categories, refined in response to your feedback. We will hold an EGM as part of club night … Read more

Proposed Membership Categories and EGM

Thanks for all your feedback on the proposed membership categories. We received a lot of thoughtful comments, with the vast majority in favour of the proposal put forward to streamline our existing categories of membership. As a result, Committee has agreed to hold an EGM on 26 November so that members can vote on the … Read more

Proposed Options to Membership Joining Process

WTMC joining requirements As part of our overhaul of membership-related matters, your Committee has been giving some thought to what we ask of would-be members. At the moment, people have to complete two trips and collect signatures from a nominator, seconder and committee officer. We’ve had some feedback that this creates barriers for a number … Read more

Track Talk – October 2014

Summer Trip Schedule Leaders Thank you to all who came along to the trip planning night. We had towards twenty people there which is great to see. More importantly the pizza went quickly. We now have a well designed trip schedule with some great ideas for trips on it. The only thing missing is we … Read more

Transport update – October 2014

At our last Committee meeting, we discussed some changes and clarifications to transport policies. Given that we have been hiring quite a few vehicles from Thrifty Rentals lately (because of the large numbers of trips we have run over winter), we want to make clear our policy around cancellation of trips when vehicles have been … Read more

Over a Cuppa – October 2014

Hi folks, The following is the line up until Christmas: This coming Wednesday 5 November, Mike G will share his experiences from his recent trip doing the Annapurna circuit. Mike is also one of the speakers for the following Wednesday when he and Amelia will talk about the Ruapehu lodge in summer. Sue Walsh will … Read more

Odds & Ends – October 2014

Wilderness Magazine Photo Competition Wilderness Magazine has just launched their photo competition after last year’s successful inaugural competition. There are three categories: above the tree line; huts and camping; and  rivers, lakes and oceans. Panasonic cameras are up for grabs to the winners. The deadline is 2 February 2015. More details on the Wilderness website. Stuck for Christmas … Read more

Schormann-Kaitoke Book Launch – 3 December

The long-awaited moment is here – the launch of the newly revised and updated Schormann-Kaitoke book! When: 3 Dec, 8pm Where: 4 Moncrieff St, Mt Vic. The book The S-K (Schormann to Kaitoke) book is an anthology of S-K trips recorded by trampers and runners. First published by Lindsay Cuthbertson in 1997 and now updated to … Read more

New Trampers’ Night – Thanks for helping!

Thanks heaps to everyone who came and helped with New Trampers’ Night last Wednesday (29 Oct) – those of you who cajoled and charmed your friends and workmates into heading down, and those of you who smiled and chatted and stayed friendly and answered all sorts of questions. You did great! Special thanks to Beccy for … Read more