Lodge Social – Whakapapa Village to Mangahuia Campsite

After heavy overnight thunderstorms at the Lodge, this route was predicted to be a wet one underfoot. The initial section from the top end of Whakapapa Village (09:40 hrs) South West to the Whakapapaiti track junction (11:25hrs) contoured around the lower slopes for Mt Ruapehu. Undulating, but a good track through the big gulleys (The … Read more

Lodge Social – Tupapakurua Falls Day Walk

This was a day trip as part of a lodge weekend over 6-8 March 2015. About 20 minutes from the Lodge, we crossed the railway line near the station in National Park village on to Fishers Road. The gravel road took us to a small car park at the start of the track. The local community … Read more

March 2015 Bushcraft

The Bushcraft course was a great opportunity to gain or refresh tramping skills and find out about how the club trips operate. The group was a mixture of people wanting to get into tramping for the first time, others wanting to get back into it after time away, and some who have tramping experience – … Read more

Taranaki, A Loop Walk

A late arrival to the north Egmont visitor centre saw us setting up a free camp in the car park area. …nice and easy, although a tad busy in the early hours as all the summit climbers arrived in the dark. It was a clear and mild night, 3 of us under the club fly … Read more

Rimutaka Cycle Trail

We met at the Wellington Railway Station and caught the 7:05 am train to Upper Hutt. It was our first experience of the new rail carriages – very smart indeed. We discovered that cyclists have priority over passengers for up 3 bikes per car utilising dedicated fold back seating. Arriving at 8:00 am we set … Read more