A classic northern with a twist (Tararua Ranges)

Overlooking a ridge while standing at Bannister

The plan: a two day traverse via an interesting looking spur from Bannister to the Ruamahanga.  4.30am Saturday – the cell phone buzzes. Mike has dragged himself out of bed and is heading my way. It’s pleasant to have company for the trip to Poads Road and good to be walking by 7am under lights. … Read more

In Search of Ruahine Mountain Dolphins & Pasta in the Ruahine Ranges

Sunrise in the Ruahine Ranges

On Friday we stayed at Triplex Hut before our group had a very relaxed start, while the medium group took off by 7am. The climb up to Sunrise Hut was interspersed with interesting little info signs about the surrounding bush (such as mistletoe) and bird life. At Sunrise Hut we left our overnight gear behind, … Read more

Mitre Flats

Mitre Flats

Organising and leading an easy club trip can often be a bit fraught. It usually starts with a full trip list at closing date but by payment time people suddenly have other plans, admit they had forgotten they actually signed up at all and now don’t have time to get themselves organised, or they just … Read more

Off track with the goblins in East Holdsworth

Trampers in the goblin forest, East Holdsworth

If you go off track in the Tararuas, beware of the enchanting goblin forests. The morning started with my favourite way to start a tramp, taking photos of amazing mushrooms before crossing a nice swing bridge. About an hour in we met a couple of veteran club members coming out of the bush to get … Read more

A very short and circular “SK”

When I put an “SK” on the schedule for Easter weekend, I envisaged four glorious sunny windless days on the tops of the Tararua Ranges. More than one fellow club member laughed at me for such an ambitious trip over a typically mixed bag weather weekend. However, right up until the week before, I was … Read more

Penn Creek Hut

Penn Creek in the Tararua Ranges

5.45am.  Platform 9.  A large bus load of passengers disembarks their Auckland bus, presumably arriving for that evening’s Eminem concert.  It was a little earlier than usual to be meeting for an overnight tramp.  We were expecting a hot day and decided to tackle the uphill section in the cool of morning.  At 7.35am we … Read more

Mt Aspiring/Tititea

The usual trio of Elisabet, Nick and myself had been talking about Aspiring for at least a year, and plans finally came together for Christmas 2018. It was on. We’d had the helicopter booked for months, I’d be in Wanaka on the 26th, Nick and Elisabet would fly down to meet me, we’d have a … Read more

Taranaki West Side Story – the missing chapter

Taranaki west side

Taranaki West Side Story – the missing chapter An attempt to climb Mt Taranaki via the seldom visited western side of the mountain. The policeman standing at the end of the track asked me, “did you see any pink ribbons?”  And then immediately said, “I hope you didn’t try to climb to the summit from … Read more

Snowy in the Summer

Trampers were offered up one last golden weekend at the end of March, before being plunged into the darkness of daylight savings. Tereza, Mike M, Tom, Fain and I used this opportunity to bag perhaps the most famous of the “secret huts” in the Tararua Ranges – Snowy Hut. After some rental car difficulties, which … Read more

Makara Beach to Owhiro Bay (Red Rocks)

On the coast from Makara Beach to Red Rocks

A hike from Makara Beach to Red Rocks at Owhiro Bay A walk around the seldom visited Terawhiti coastline from Makara Beach to Red Rocks – a long 12 hour day but with varied terrain and wonderful seascapes. What better on a fine and calm Wellington day than to walk around the coast from Makara Beach … Read more