A Gourmet Gallivant to Roaring Stag Hut

Our group left Wellington first thing on Saturday morning and encountered a great snow scene driving over the Rimutakas. Luckily the weather was feeling friendly and we soon left the snow behind – a beautiful weekend was ahead. A stop at the Clareville Bakery, just north of Carterton, was a given for pre-tramp calories and … Read more

Mount Taranaki East Ridge

In the days building up to this weekend weather-watching became something of an obsession, and a welcome surprise. I say ‘surprise’ because the forecast was good and, well, it’s Mount Taranaki. Everyone knows that Mount Taranaki lures you in with that promise of a beautiful day, only to change his mind right at the last … Read more

Parks Peak Trapping

The trip got off to a great start, with an uneventful 5 hour drive north on Friday evening.  We dropped the hunters off at Masters Shelter for their own adventure and the rest of us continued another 10 minutes up the road.  On arriving at the parking place for the beginning of the short 10 … Read more

Seven gals and one guy chat non-stop along the Nydia Track

We joined our fellow WTMC trampers on the evening ferry to the South Island followed by the very short ride to the Sequoia Lodge Backpackers for a comfortable night’s sleep.  We were a mixed bunch of club newbies and seasoned trampers.  The plan was to complete the linear Nydia Track, walking from Duncan Bay to … Read more

How about a trip to Howlett’s Hut?

The weather forecast for this trip was pretty bad, and we debated whether it was a good idea, with a forecast of heavy rain and gales, to go into a hut where the only way out was via ridge or river. After some careful analysis of the weather maps, our leader, Richard, encouraged us to … Read more

Waiopehu Sludge

Our tramp got underway at around 10:15am from Poads Road, with a 15 minute slog through a muddy field, then a steep uphill for about three quarters of an hour. After that, we followed a rolling ridge along a fairly good track, with some tricky patches of the famous Tararua sludge/mud (which Clinton simply plowed … Read more

A Wangapeka Wander to Kiwi Saddle

As part of the WTMC mass migration to the South Island that took place on Queens Birthday weekend 2017 (35 from the Club on the ferry), the ‘easy-medium’ group was set to hike to Kiwi Saddle Hut and beyond in the Wangapeka valley region of Kahurangi National Park. One thing the ferry allows for is … Read more

Broken Axe Pinnacles – a day walk

Nearing Jumbo with the sun setting on Mt Holdsworth after we had traversed the Broken Axe Pinnacles.

Broken Axe Pinnacles – a day walk in Tararua Forest Park A day walk along the Broken Axe Pinnacles in Tararua Forest Park via Pinnacle Ridge, Baldy, Jumbo, and Mt Holdsworth. We arrived at the Holdsworth carpark at 8 am just in time to see the full moon setting below the western hills. Twelve hours later … Read more

Happy on Tappy!

The 5pm Interislander is packed with familiar faces. We have the company of the WTMC, TTC and NZAC all heading for their long weekend objectives. After an uneventful crossing, we’re off on our own private adventure – to bag the summit of Mt Tapuae-o-Uenuku. Almost two hours after leaving Picton, we cross a suspension bridge … Read more

A Karst Limestone Wonderland at Mount Owen

Trip route details: Sat: Courthouse Flat via Blue Creek track to our campsite just above Sanctuary Basin. Approx 5-6hrs. Lots of layers and good down sleeping bags required – it’s cold! Sun: Campsite to Mt Owen. Approx 2hrs. Mt Owen to Granity Pass Hut. Approx 2-3hrs. Follow the cairned track to avoid crevasses and slippery … Read more