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From the Green Crocs – December 2009

2010 is almost upon us, we had our last club night of the year yesterday (a unique and thought provoking talk on reconnecting with nature!), and Christmas is just a couple of weeks away now. I think 2009 has been another great year for our club. The material highlights are buying a 2nd club van … Read more

Paua Hut

What a wonderful weekend trip to Paua Hut. The weather was superb and we had enthusiastic children that loved the whole experience, helped by having each other as company and fireworks and chocolate snacks. More about that later. We all met up at the Catchpool carpark on a beautiful Saturday morning at 10.30am. Constanze and … Read more

Northern Crossing of the Tararuas

I volunteered to lead this medium trip after Michael Lightbourne pulled out due to unfamiliarity with the route. On the trip list were six club members, plus Vlad. Vlad had never tramped in New Zealand, although assured me he had hiked in the Ukraine. Best let him know what he’s in for, I thought. You … Read more

Topographical Turpitude – November 2009

Greetings All Tips for Leaders can be found on Leaders, please let Gareth know the Speedo Reading of Van you have used by text or email Club Personal Locator Beacons (PLB) are now available for use by club members. They are kept in the gear room. Looking for leaders for the Summer Schedule … Read more

Murmurings from the Kitchen – November 2009

Well, it’s finally here…. possibly the biggest, most exciting, awe inspiring and most talked about Wednesday night of the tramping club calendar……. the international, world famous WTMC photo competition awards night is on the 25th November! Featuring the discerning expert judge, Te Papa’s Athol McCredie, discussing the merits of the photos taken by our clubbies all … Read more

Weight Watching

With the holidays fast approaching some of us are planning longer trips. Such trips are always more enjoyable if you are not overburdened from carrying too much stuff.  I have never heard anyone complain that their pack is too light. Consider some of these ideas and you may be able to save your legs and … Read more

Wild rivers, wild voter

A letter to the editor of the Wairarapa News I sometimes wonder if our MP John Hayes deliberately inserts something to rile me in his weekly column, From the House. That of 28 October 2009 has a tailpiece about electricity generation – admittedly a topic about which a politician can please only some voters only … Read more

From the Green Crocs – November 2009

I mentioned the Club Journal in my last column, and I am happy to report that the 2009 Journal will be going ahead, so look out for that in your mailbox before the end of the year. Thanks to all who have contributed, and especially to Jackie and Tony, who have been very busy working … Read more

FMC News – November 2009

It has been another busy month. Here is the latest news on FMC advocacy and significant developments of importance to trampers, climbers and all interested in safe outdoor recreation. Threat of Mining in National Parks & other Conservation Lands As a result of our opposition to the proposals that could open up conservation lands and … Read more