Waikamaka Hut

Photo credit: Emily. Waikamaka stream.

This trip started life as a short weekend trip to the Seaward Kaikoura range to do a Kowhai circuit but early on in the planning it was clear the ferry times were not going to accommodate our needs. Everyone who had already signed up was automatically transferred to my chosen alternative which was based around … Read more

Irongate Hut (via Tunupō)

Irongate Hut in the Ruahine Forest Park

The Ruahine Ranges pulled out all the stops for this tramp, with varied terrain, the opportunity to use the gear for every weather in our packs, breathtaking views, and sounds of the rare Whio and rushing water. Taking the long way round via Tunupō loop we were well rewarded for our 8 hour tramping effort, … Read more

Snailing around Ruahine Corner Hut

Ruahine Corner Hut

Any trip worth its salt has an epic long drive and it seems this one was no different – it involved Matt having to do a superb job navigating around a pack of farm dogs that seemed intent on stopping the club van progressing up the road – I think they got the club van … Read more

Daphne Hut

Daphne Hut

After an eventful Friday night camping which combined fire warning sirens and some local dance music playing at 4-5 am—both of which I managed to sleep through—things were going pretty awesomely on my first trip with the club. We were dropped off at the Daphne Hut car park and we picked up the trail behind … Read more

Howletts Hut

In the quest to explore more of my backyard, I signed up for the Howlett’s Hut tramp, my very first with the WTMC. We met Dan, our leader, at Platform 9 on Friday evening, to gather along with Tash’s Easy-Medium group heading to Ruahine NP. All eleven of us piled into the van to drive … Read more

Makaretu Hut

A warm sunny evening greeted our group as we departed Wellington on the Friday night. We stopped for dinner at the yummy Turkish restaurant in Carterton before making our way to the Anzac Campground near Norsewood. We arrived after dark meaning we had to set up our tents with our head torches on, but as … Read more

Sun and snow on the way to Daphne Hut

I was looking forward to returning to what I consider my home grade (“Easy-Medium”) with Maarten’s trip to Daphne Hut, after some tough snow trips this past winter. In addition, Maarten is the club’s resident expert on the Ruahine, so he is supremely qualified to lead rambles around the Hawkes Bay hills. After a wet night … Read more

Slipping and sliding to Cattle Creek Hut

We left the train station Friday at 5:45pm and headed towards the Wairarapa. Traffic was surprisingly good so we made good time as we travelled north to Ruahine. We stopped in Carterton for an awesome meal at ‘Istanbul’ and then carried on to Dannevirke. The weather started to get worse with rain and wind as … Read more

Battling the wind and the blue item thieves at Top Maropea Hut

We set off from the railway station on Friday afternoon together with the Easy group and drove the 4.5hrs to the trailhead (I highly recommend our kebab stop at Istanbul in Carterton along the way). The road to the trail head has probably seen better days, so the last few kilometres were a bit bumpy … Read more

Parks Peak Trapping

The trip got off to a great start, with an uneventful 5 hour drive north on Friday evening.  We dropped the hunters off at Masters Shelter for their own adventure and the rest of us continued another 10 minutes up the road.  On arriving at the parking place for the beginning of the short 10 … Read more