Taranaki East Ridge

Driving up to the Sratford Plateau car park at 5.45am on Saturday morning I’m hoping someone has spread lots of grit on the road so there is no ice to cope with. It’s a mild morning and the damp road has not frozen overnight. Relieved I park and we clamber out and assemble our gear … Read more

Holly Hut on Mt. Taranaki

We left Friday evening, the van was full and everyone was happy and excited for our tramp. After a quick dinner in Bulls, we arrived at a backpackers place in Stratford, where we found out that we would get to sleep in until 8am, so we were already off to a very good start of … Read more

Sutherlands Hut

Saturday morning was sunny but quite cool when we emerged from the van at the road end. Extra layers of clothing were quickly added. Our track was a 4-wheel-drive route, at times deeply rutted and beginning with a huge muddy pool. We walked downhill through regenerating bush to the first of 10 river crossings and … Read more

Six days with Lydia Bradey

The club recently ran a six day Alpine Instruction Course instructed by Lydia Bradey: Mountaineer Extraordinaire. I was so inspired and enthused by this experience  that I’ve been telling as many people as possible how fantastic Lydia is and how great it was to have a straight run of six days in the mountains (with … Read more

Over a Cuppa – August 2015

A lot of exciting social events are coming up on Wednesday nights. 2 Sept 2015 – David Jewell will take us on a journey ascending Footstool (2765m) via the Eugenie Glacier and the main divide in Mt Cook National Park. 9 Sept 2015 – New WTMC members, Jordan and Jenna from Stoked for Saturday will … Read more

Terrible Taranaki

INTRODUCTION The weather reports leading up to this trip were very inconsistent, and as such we thought we would proceed rather than cancel. However, the leader made it clear to all that reaching the summit (which was the trip’s goal) was going to be a bonus at best! The back-up plan was to tramp around … Read more

Track Talk

Whoops!  I haven’t been too good at keeping you up to date with Chief Guide things. By now you should have seen the new Spring schedule which takes us to January. Click here for a copy.   There are loads of alpine and rock trips and a couple of volunteer trips – not to mention the … Read more

Pouakai Circuit

We tramped the Pouakai circuit and we were happy because it was plan A. Dan planned everything so that we could have an amazing week-end. But one question remained: Did Dan carry food in his backpack? Friday night was a long drive, approximately 5 hours to arrive at the North Egmont camphouse. We didn’t forget … Read more

Post-snowcraft trip to Tahurangi

Conscious that we had only had one weekend away instead of the usual two I made the offer to the group that if they came up with an idea for a post Snowcraft trip and organised it I would come with them on it. Dan and Amie were up for the challenge and in no … Read more