Pushing the limits of Easy-Medium at Cameron Hut

We headed for Bulls which was our dinner stop, then a short 40 min drive to Mangaweka camp ground – our destination for the night. We were all in bed at 9.30pm to get a good sleep as I told the crew that there is a steep hill first thing when we get to our … Read more

Tarn Ridge Hut

Day 1 – Kiriwhakapapa Road end to Blue Range Hut The walk started off at sunset at the Kiriwhakapapa Road campground in the Central Tararua ranges. We arrived after stopping at the usual kebab shop in Carterton, which I believe the club must be getting kick-backs from judging by the amount of business we send … Read more

Marlborough Sounds Kayaking

Our noble band of aquatically-inclined adventurers set foot on South Island soil well into the night. It was the kind of portentous start to our paddle-bashing adventure we all craved; for though we were tired, the dark, silhouetted Sounds held a spooky mystery and untold secrets that were ours to explore over the next three … Read more

“Just a Stroll” My First Tramping Trip with the WT&MC – A trip report from 1959

In May 1959 as a 14-year old teenage after an unsuccessful attempt to join the Tararua Tramping Club, I was invited by Norn Whiteside a fellow Wellington Technical College student to join him on what he described as “a Friday night stroll from Kaitoke to Walls Whare”. I asked him where Walls Whare was and … Read more

Paua Hut

It was a rainy Saturday morning when a group of 6 porters and 6 punters met at Catchpool Valley for an overnight to Paua Hut. The plan was originally to have a few people tent outside, but given the forecast, we we decided to squeeze everyone in to the hut and leave the tents behind. … Read more

Ruapehu Summit, Plans B and C

A full 24 of us piled into both vans to drive to the Lodge and scale Mt. Ruapehu, the highest peak on the North Island. We got there in time to catch the tail end of the “Tasman Tempest,” and thus were unable to ascend the peak. We did still, however, have a great weekend … Read more

Families Southern Crossing

By some small coincidence, keen kids and a small sunny weather window coincided with Waitangi weekend during one of the least sunniest Wellington summers for a trip that was planned some four months earlier. Thursday and Friday had been awash with rain and the Otaki Gorge road was closed again at the Blue Bluff due to … Read more

Cattle Creek Hut

Two groups piled into the van at Wellington Station on Friday night and then headed off to the Wairarapa and then Tamaki West Road campsite (near Dannevirke). The plan was to drop Richard off for the night at his parent’s house near the road-end and for the rest of us to camp at the road-end.  … Read more

The Old Penn Creek Sidle Track

The weather this summer hasn’t been great, and so it wasn’t a surprise to see a forecast of thunderstorms for the weekend where we planned to tramp the Otaki Forks – Penn Creek – Pakihore Ridge – Kime – Otaki Forks loop. And so the route evolved during the week and ended up as a … Read more

Summertime Daywalks

In the brief fortnight of summer this year the family group went out for a couple of day walks to explore the rather foreign concept of warm sunshine. Hemi Matenga Reserve Sunday 26th February 2017 The Hemi Matenga reserve in Waikanae on was first up, and up it was, a good 400m climb between carpark … Read more