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Madness and Bananagrams on Mt Matthews

See more pictures from Sarah.  Andrei’s report of Saturday: An important takeaway was quickly realised – my venerable Mazda Millenia sedan, which was the surrogate club van for the weekend, can only hold four backpacks.  Three in the boot and one in the middle of the back seat.  Just as well we had a late … Read more

Mt McKay, Nelson Lakes National Park

I’m not unaccustomed to being cold. I once was a student in Christchurch living in a flat seemingly designed by Fisher & Paykel. I would have to frequently de-ice the inside of my bedroom window in the winter time and my flatmates and I would sit on the couch in the evenings in sleeping bags; … Read more

When people come north to Wellington for tramping…

Date: 14 June 2014. Trampers: Too many to name. Location: St Johns Hall, Willis & Dixon Street. Trip Type: Enlightening Policy Discussions. Author: Mike McGavin. Saturday 14th June was a typical sparkly, sunshiney Wellington day and so I was naturally surprised that nobody else from Tongue and Meats* was spending it where many other trampers … Read more

A Touch of Paradise on the Abel Tasman Track

Thursday 29 May 5pm ferry from Wellington to Picton.  A calm crossing of the strait, bantering with the other team going to Nelson lakes comparing trip altitudes.  Driving to Hans and Mika’s place from Picton to Nelson.  Sleeping over in comfort in their home on Thursday night. Friday 30 May 2014 – Marahau to Bark … Read more

The Southern Brevet (Part 2 – Queenstown to Tekapo)

Continued from Part 1… Queenstown to Nevis At 7am, the air is cool and clouds gather about the peaks as our water taxi rips across the dull lake. Walter’s Peak Station is silent as we head for the glacial landscape of the Von. It’s long and flat; Julie’s tyre relieves the boredom by loudly disembowelling … Read more

Abel Tasman [Inland] Track

This should have been a trip report on the Abel Tasman Inland Track, but serious windfall just before Easter made DoC close the track late April. We considered our options, took into account the logistics of a van key swap with Gareth’s group walking the coastal track south to north, and decided we might as … Read more

Nature of Things – May 2014

Last month we had our first committee meeting of the 2014/15 year. It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm every member of the committee has for their role when we each talked about what we most wanted to achieve in the coming year. Our goals ranged from making particular club or admin processes better to … Read more

Over a Cuppa – May 2014

We have a lovely variety of speakers coming up over the next wee while.  These are: 4 June    –  Some committee members will spin a yarn or two although who’s story are they telling?  You’ll have to come along to work that out yourself; 11 June  –   Chief Guide Mike Phethean will be … Read more

Ruapehu Lodge Report – May 2014

This month has seen the great lodge clean-up and bulk food carry-up, go to plan with around 22 people on board to do the work in preparation for what is shaping up to be a busy ski season for our lodge. Thanks to Andrew Trembath for his dedicated work in organising the people, the food … Read more