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Track Talk – September 2013

Mike Phethean, Chief Guide Hopefully you are all aware that the Spring Schedule is now published both on the web and in print. Thank you to all those people who signed up to be leaders it is very much appreciated. There really is a great range of trips coming up and it just remains for … Read more

Over a Cuppa Tea – September 2013

September starts off with a hiss and a roar with Grant Newton on 4 September talking about his trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands a few years ago. Grant captured many wonderful images so you will be in for a treat when you come along. Simon Bell revisits us on September 11 talking about rock climbing at Mt … Read more

WTMC Promotions – New Member Night

The Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club will be holding its next New Members’ Night on Wednesday, 9 October from 7:30pm. The night is a chance to reach out to those who are keen to join us, or to just get out in the great New Zealand outdoors for the first time. The schedule is a bit … Read more

Update from the Gear Room – September 2013

Down in the basement of the club rooms, you will find the gear storage for the club. Every Wednesday, between 7:30 and 8:00 pm, we give out and receive gear for club trips. The range of gear we hold is typically group gear like flys, PLBs and first aid kits. However, we do carry personal gear … Read more

Ruapehu Lodge Report – September 2013

We are having some mild weather up the mountain and along with that comes more fine days than normal due to some persistent easterly winds with Whakapapa being in the shelter. The snow base is ample for some good skiing particularly, above the waterfall and above the west chair. With a mix of weather throughout … Read more

Membership Update – September 2013

This month we welcome three senior members: Richard House, Sam Thornton and Fiona Elliott – Congratulations! If you have any membership questions please find me at the club on a Wednesday night otherwise contact me on  or send it to PO Box 5068, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145.

Matemateaonga Track to Pouri Hut

The one line summary: long drive for an overnighter in an old nurses’ home with a damp tramp to a hilltop hut sauna for fine dining, escaping the worst of the weekend weather. While Wellington was being lashed by weekend gales and rain, a group of trampers escaped the worst of the weather in the … Read more

Girdlestone Alp 2 – Meeting Friends

Planning mountaineering trips like this in advance you hope for at least one goodish day out of two so that you can get to the summit. This time was different – the forecast was brilliant 5 days before and fell to a little windy by Friday. The only problem with weather like this is the … Read more