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Track Talk – Sept 2011

Wellington’s recent snow visited alpine conditions on our suburbs. But even before that dump, there were surprising amounts of snow in the Ruahines and Tararuas. On the weekend before the snow came in, Steve, Richard and I were slightly bemused to find a good half metre on parts of the Southern Crossing, though perhaps less … Read more

Membership – Sept 2011

This month we welcome two Senior members: Maarten Ruiter and Yingjie Zhang, and Alex Huang as a Family member. If you have been reading our previous newsletters you would have noticed that we are currently reviewing our membership policies.  We have asked for your views and suggestions.  Thank you to a number of people who … Read more

Murmurings from the kitchen – Sept 2011

There are a number of exciting talks coming up on club nights in September including Kate Cushing talking about the Larapinta Trail, a 223km walk through the middle of Australia, Amanda Wells on tramping in the Tararuas and Dave Collett on cycling in the south island.  For more information go to the home page of … Read more

Mount Bruce family trip

“We’ll name it Bigwheels, and it’s a he,” said Jack, as we set off on our journey.  Our rental van had enough character that we thought we’d better give it – him – a name.  Character isn’t usually a great sign in a vehicle, unless maybe it’s a Ferrari or a Monster Truck.  This van … Read more

Oatmeal for the Soul

I grew up happily located between Kahurangi and Abel Tasman National Parks. As a youngster tramping for me was an enviable choice between silver beech in the hills or golden beach on the coast. So naturally, when I first moved to Wellington I looked down my nose at the Tararuas. A fellow Mainlander, John Pascoe, … Read more

Richmond Range – I want me money back

Tarn Hut, Richmond Range in winter

Richmond Range – I want me money back A 4 day hiking trip through the northern part of Mount Richmond Forest Park in winter The club newsletter for July listed a five day trip to the Richmond range and commented that the leader Jenny was planning an epic. This sounded like a trip one should … Read more

Waitewaewae Hut

I was disappointed that we weren’t camping out on the Friday night.  It is one of the few chances that I get to see the stars without the light pollution from the city.  As it was, I had to set the alarm for 5.45am on the Saturday morning.  Times before 6am are anathema to me … Read more

Snowcraft 2 – A reply from the Elites

Quick out of the blocks on Friday night at 5.30pmish, Snowcraft 2 set off for our second trip to The Mountain. Due to delays from phaffing, traffic and phaffing, some had to consume their Bulls kebabs on-the-run. The sun-gods seemed to have turned their back on Whakapapa this time, choosing instead to warm the faces … Read more

Jumbo / Powell circuit

I had one of those days where serious lapse in judgment overtook me.  This coming Sunday weather was going to be a stunner.  So, what do I do?  I decide to enquire with Shirley (Queen of the Tararuas) if she’d like to do a day walk on the Sunday.  Left it entirely up to Shirley … Read more

A Great Walk in winter

When we set forth on the Great Walk we hoped our way would be lit by the moon but it was still well below the horizon. Walking by torchlight and in silence it feels like one is in ones own world, thoughts slow down and there are only the night noises to keep you company. … Read more