Check out the latest news and trips reports below or view the archives using the menu on the left. If you want to know more about the newsletter including submitting stories, see Newsletter>Publication Details. To learn more about the club, check the top menu. Some links will take you to the old website, but content will eventually move to this site.

Ruahine – Sunrise Hut

This was my third overnight trip with the WTMC and I must say also the best because of the great scenery, the nice track and the time we had for exploring and relaxing. We left on Friday evening from the station with another group (medium) led by Kate Cushing. Jo Boyle was driving the van, … Read more

Queen Charlotte Mountain Biking

It looked like being one of those trips when before you set sail on the ferry on Friday night, they announce that the crossing will be pretty bad, then you feel sick even before you’ve got past Evens bay, its an ominous sign. Then despite having a rather flat crossing in the stright, the backpackers … Read more


Just the name seemed to be a good enough reason for two part-time trampers, who we will call J and T, to go and visit the spur and its crooked hut. So with weekend flights already booked it really wasn’t a difficult decision for them to make. Their usual late Friday night arrival in Christchurch … Read more

Arthurs Pass

“Arthur’s Pass. Arthur’s Pass. This is Goat Pass Hut, Goat Pass Hut” “Go ahead Goat Pass Hut” “Arthur’s Pass, we were wondering if we could get an up to date weather forecast for tomorrow?” (Sounding slightly irritated that anybody would be foolish enough to go into the outdoors based on yesterday’s forecast) “It’s much the … Read more


It had been a while since I’d headed into the hills, and my feet were getting restless.  The Tauherenikau Valley is the primary reason that I’d joined WTMC after unintentionally spending two nights in the open, without a fly or sleeping bag, in horrendous conditions (including snow), several years earlier. It was time to face … Read more

New Storage Location for Club Minivans

From 1st May 2011 the 2 club minivans are now being stored at the Inter Islander Terminal. They are being stored outdoors in the terminal car park so should be easily spotted when being collected by designated drivers somewhere along the wire fence by the rail tracks. You are free to drive your own car … Read more

Membership Report – May 2011

This month we welcome 3 senior members:  Annie Van Herck, Bryce Stapleton and Weimen Ren. Thank you to all those of you who have renewed your membership, renewals are now completed.  Within the next few weeks, I will try to produce a Member’s Contact List from our club database.  Therefore please check that your details … Read more

Murmurings from the Kitchen – May 2011

Well it’s hard to believe that Easter has gone for another year! But no problem, the next long weekend to look forward to will be Queens Birthday which isn’t very far away (6th June). In the meantime fill those winter evenings with a visit to club on a Wednesday evening. It’s a great chance to … Read more

Track Talk – May 2011

Enclosed with this newsletter is the Winter trip schedule, which runs from May to the end of August. Thanks heaps to everyone who has offered to lead a trip, and also to those who have suggested road ends and come along to the planning night. And thanks to Richard Lardner who has stepped into the … Read more

The Nature of Things – May 2011

The 64th AGM has been and gone. Thanks to the 2010-11 committee for their great work running the club and to those members who made the effort to attend. For those of you who missed the AGM I have your names and numbers. The highlight was Sue Walsh being made a life member. Sue is … Read more