Pukeatua Track

On Saturday 16th April the alarm went off at 5 am. In darkness we drove to meet the team at Wellington train station at 6 am for the train to Waikanae. Here we met fellow trampers Jared, Mike and team leader Garth. Unfortunately, one member of the team slept through the alarm so our group … Read more

Dolphins, Datsuns and Other Delights

This was billed as an easy walk and was probably one of the easiest that I’ve been on in a long time. Our walk, the second in a series on the Te Araroa walkways began in Shortland  Park right at the end of The Parade down in Island Bay looking out to Taputeranga Island.  The … Read more

Te Araroa Walkway – Porirua to Cable Car

This was the first of the formal Te Araroa Trail walks organised through the club, an EM daywalk from Porirua to the Cable Car. Twelve punters took the 8.30 am train from Wellington Central to Porirua. The weather forecast had promised a still, hot day and clear views. Pete led the group through central Porirua … Read more

A note from Cambridge

Date: 25 April 2016 To: Subject: nothing much just saying hello and thanks Dr Michael Ellims sent a message using the contact form at https://www.wtmc.org.nz/contact. Hi,For some reason I bumped into the newsletter page while conducting a search on mountaineering and brick walls and was VERY pleasantly surprised. I originally hail from Wainuiomata and … Read more

Tuneful Taranaki Tramping

INTRODUCTION Breaking historical ground (as far as we know), Frances led the first WTMC Musical Tramp with expert skill and agility. The ‘genius’ behind this trip was in the detail: if either of the tramping or musical components had not been achievable – due to adverse weather, broken strings (including hamstrings), or an overcrowded hut … Read more

Familes Group finally do Jumbo-Holdsworth

After the last attempt to go around the loop was stopped due to bad weather in the Tararuas (how surprising!), some of the punters were more than keen for another shot. Fortunately a good weather window coincided with the trip schedule. Some us were left waiting at the road end ready to go, wondering where … Read more

Easter Weekend in Victoria Forest Park

Hello to those of you at the club who I have not met. This is a short summary of my first trip away with the club. The long Easter weekend started with a swift jaunt from work, spare socks, billy and a toothbrush thrown in the pack and we were off! Sharing our journey down … Read more

Mt McKerrow

This day trip showed me just how accessible the bush is from Wellington city.  Our very organized trip leader (Clinton) gave us all the details we needed to get to the start of the Whakanui track using only public transport. In short you can take the 8.35am train on a Saturday morning from Wellington Railway … Read more