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Covert Ops Black Tie Lunch at the Waihohonu Hilton – November 2011

Friday night, 5.30pm, Wellington Railway Station. Perfect. We have infiltrated a party of climbers heading for “The Lodge”. This lodge will be a perfect base for our weekend operation. We hope this lodge will prove as comfortable as it sounds, even if it  traffic reports indicate we might be in for a long drive. Friday … Read more

The Nature of Things – Oct 2011

Hopefully you have been taking full advantage of the great Spring weather to get outdoors tramping, cycling, kayaking, running or just to catching the pool matches in the Rugby World Cup. Shivering in the Cake Tin watching Scotland try to beat Argentina did remind me rather a lot of tramping. With daylight saving here now … Read more

Track Talk – Oct 2011

An interesting development in the Tararuas: Powell hut is now bookable between 1 November and the end of February. The price remains the same but there is an additional management fee of $5-$10 “depending on party size” that everyone, including holders of annual hut passes, will have to pay. Apparently “unallocated bunks will be available … Read more

Membership – Oct 2011

This month, we welcome 3 new senior members to our club: Natascha Sauben, Paula Vincent and Katy Glenie. Also, I want to thank you those who sent through your views on the current club membership policies.  Your opinions, suggestions of possible changes and improvements will be discussed during our next committee meeting in 2 weeks … Read more


Mt Angelus After 4 long years the RWC is upon us at last. Our pre match build up has been arduous both physically and mentally. On top of the training we have had to endure relentless hounding from the local and international media, the IRB and the sandflies. However, I think all these trials have … Read more

Robert Ridge – Angelus

The tail of the big snowstorm of 2011 had passed and the weather appeared to be coming good just at the right time. The sheer volume of snow and the last of the bad weather along the East Coast had seen a late change of plan; our Tappy trip had became a Nelson Lakes one … Read more

Southern Crossing

The southern crossing is a trip that most trampers in Wellington have either done or want to do. One reason is that most of the southern crossing can be seen from various vantage points in Wellington. This means past trips there or the desire to do it are called to mind by its presence as … Read more

Wrights Hill

I was originally intending to be at another function for Sunday but this day trip was also on the schedule. The forecast wasn’t sounding so great on the Saturday with some rain likely along with a southerly. Our starting point was at the 4 Square mini market on the corner of Aro & Willis streets. … Read more

The Tale of Tahurangi

The Walk (Kate’s take on it anyway…) Despite what you read in the rest of this carefully conceived article, in which we are attempting to combine a multitude of writing styles and varying levels of the truth, this was actually a tramping trip.  Well, ok, it was an alpine trip which means we carried wee … Read more

The Nature of Things – Sept 2011

This month Amanda and Richard have been busy putting the finishing touches to the spring trip schedule. We have some great trips coming up so I hope you manage to go on a few of them. I know many people take photos on their trips. It would be great if some of you photographers offered … Read more