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Track talk – July 2014

New Trip Schedule The new trip schedule is out! I would like to thank Debbie our assistant chief guide who organized the trip planning sessions whilst I was away on holiday. Printable version of the trip schedule here: The schedule is full of some great trips so please take advantage of Debbie’s good work by signing up … Read more

Over a Cuppa – July 2014

Sue is off gallivanting at the opposite end of the earth in honour of her 31st birthday, so your friendly newsletter editor has stepped in. We have some spots available in September for club talks and I’d like to surprise Sue by having every single spot filled. To bribe reward you for volunteering – anyone who offers … Read more

Odds & Ends – Avalanche Awareness night, Kapiti Volunteering, Mountain Films & Candidate Conservation Discussion – July 2014

Bivouac store hosts Wellington Avalanche Awareness Evening – August 20 @ 7pm  Bivouac is hosting Andrew Hobman from NZ Mountain Safety Council on 20 August to show some short films and discuss techniques on avalanche awareness. Tickets are just $5 and Bivouac will be providing spot prizes and offering discounts on snow gear and clothing on the … Read more

Ruapehu Rumblings – July 2014

The ski season is in full swing now and the snow on the T-bars in particular looks gorgeous. Ray Morgan’s driven the WTMC van up and down from Wellington a couple of times already and it’s been working well – we’ve had vans full of happy skiers, boarders, mountaineers and trampers. The next van weekends … Read more

Working hard on Kapiti Island

Read on to hear about the club’s recent volunteer trip to Kapiti island and further down find out about more opportunities to volunteer (and visit)! After an early Saturday morning false start, the boat skipper called me about 2:30pm with the news the weather had calmed down enough to take us across late Saturday afternoon. … Read more

North Ohau Hut

The planned trip had initially been to go into North Ohau Hut via the Mangahao River. However the forecast for the weekend was not so good. So plans were altered to a less weather dependent route for North Ohau Hut via Deception Spur. The contingency if the weather was really terrible was to go up … Read more

Turning into popsicles on Baldy…

See more photos from Sarah Friday night saw our group doing an extremely quick march to Atiwhakatu hut after which I declared there would be a mutiny the next morning if we were walking that fast the rest of the tramp as my pack was stuffed full of an abundance of warm clothes. We arrived … Read more

Two Beautiful Weekends at Ruapehu Lodge

Raymond Morgan has run the first two transport/food/accommodation trips to our Ruapehu Lodge this season, and I was lucky enough to get onto both trips. While a lot of us got in some great skiing and boarding, Ray took us on some amazing adventures as well. I’m hooked! 18-20 July – Ruapehu Looking back at Ruapehu … Read more

Trip to Rangiwahia (formerly to Purity Hut)

The first (and biggest) problem of the trip happened a month before it took place: the farmer would not give us permission to cross his land so we no longer had access to the track to Purity Hut. This called for Plan B, and after some research, Kevin Cole, who was leading the medium trip … Read more

Roaring Stag Flora and Fauna

Photos from Tony Gazley Sadly, for a NZer, I’m reasonably well informed given that I can name around 20 plant species, and identify quite a few of them. However, I wanted to be able to tell the difference between a couple of species by bark, given that these trees grow very tall, and leaves are … Read more