Iron Gate

Maarten – We met at the Railway station and introduced each other whilst packing the van. It is always nice to meet new people on the trips.  When all were present we, along with the Easy group, set off up north. After about 30min I remembered what was suggested at the club a week earlier, … Read more

A bit of imagination

This, according to trip leader Tony, was all we needed to find the track back up the hill from Totara flats to the ridge via the old unmaintained hunters’ track: Imagination, plus a map and a compass. And find it we did – battling through long grass and a hailstorm in the process. For a … Read more

Roaring Stag

We were lucky with great weather this weekend. Departure from Putara Road was in bright sun. The group of 11 set off upstream leaving a vocal farm dog behind us. The trip was a pleasant day in the bush, marked with a couple of breaks. We arrived at Roaring Stag early afternoon, with plenty of … Read more

A trifle easy (medium) weekend (Paua Hut via Mt McKerrow)

We met at Platform 9¾ bright and early on the 10th November and headed off, via a crucial pit stop at Maccie Ds, to the road end of the Whakanui Track. Once there, we kitted up and headed up what felt like a near-vertical climb to meet the McKerrow Track.  We enjoyed a gentle tramp … Read more

Canon Point walkway

It had been quite a number of years since I had done the Canon Point walkway.  So when this walk appeared in the club schedule, I decided it was time I did it again and signed up to lead it.  Early indications were that this was going to be a popular trip, however, in the … Read more

Mt. Alarm (2877m) / Mt. Tapuae-o-Uenuku (2885m)

Yay, weekend! Flee from work, pack your backpack, don’t forget the communal dinner ingredients, and off you go to lonely landscapes and snow-covered tops, away from the constantly humming sound of city life. Debbie’s, Stephen’s, Steve’s, John’s and Weimin’s plan was to ascend Mt. Tappy, the highest peak of the Kaikouras whereas Mike, Antone, and … Read more

Holdsworth Jumbo

Rory: Well, after an exceptionally early 7am meeting at the train station, (I am used to 9am) introductions were made, bacon and egg English muffins were crammed into mouths and we were on our way with Paula only stalling the manual van a few times before getting to the destination. Rory: After about a 1.5 … Read more

Mukamuka Munter (lite edition)

Summary: 10h total walking (including breaks), from Catchpool to Mt Matthews, out down Mukamuka stream and to Wharekauhau, South Wairarapa. Would likely be a Medium weekend trip or Medium Fit day trip. Weather: Warm with broken overcast and strong/gale northerlies. Access: Start at Catchpool road end – we left our car there and retrieved it … Read more

Tutuwai via Mt Reeves

Saturday –Waiohine Gorge Roadend –Cone Hut-Tutuwai Hut We left the railway station at 8:30am on Saturday morning and drove to the Waiohine Gorge Roadend. We hit the track at about 10:45am by crossing the highest swing bridge in the Tararuas and took the left track that would take us through to Cone Hut. From there … Read more